XXXIII: 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

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Today was the last day of the week and the last day. The members of the olympic team gace me their numbers and I already had Tiko, Karma, June, Asumi and Chizumi's numbers.

We all wore what we got when we went out shopping. We left towards the station and Karma was the last one with me before she left.

"Alright babe, I'll see you in hell or the next time we met" Karma smiles as she walks to her train.

"Bye!" I wave to her as I board my train on the opposite side.

The train takes off and soon I'm face to face with Karma again, expect she was on her train at the window side and so was I. The train where right next to each other, and I waved to her and we sign languaged  to each other. (I say we know sign language so deal with it)

~~ Time skip~~ I'm gonna eat my Oporto's now~~

When I got off the train, I saw a face I couldn't be more happy to see.

"Kageyama!" I yell as I run over to him.

"Emiko! I saw you on TV!" He yells as I engulf him in a hug. "Where are your clothes?"

"I'm wearing them" I say, letting him go and looking down.

"Yeah, but where is the rest of them?" He asks, walking around me in circles.

"It's called short, Kageyama" I say.

"I know, but its cold and guys might look at you in a way" he say, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "I'll stop them and beat them up"

"Damn, what did that training camp do to you?" I say, smiling at him.

~~ Shut up~~

 "Kageyama, Hinata, Emiko, you guys made it back in one piece" Suga said, putting an arm around us.

"Hey Suga" Hinata said


"You guys'd better not have been fighting as soon as you got back" Suga said to Kageyama and Hinata.

"Nah, they were already fighting when I brought the key over" Tanaka said

"Thats way to fast" Suga said

"Well, that basically defines them! Right?!" Nishanoya says, slapping both of them on the back.

Suga pulls me over.

"Hey, I saw you on the tv, and I was wondering where in the hell did you learn that stuff?" Suga asks, whispering to me even though the others wouldn't hear.

"I honestly have no idea" I say.

"Well, when Dachi comes, I want you to know that he will either be proud or scowled you" Suga says, almost making me freak out about Dachi scowling me. Suga then walks over to Hinata.

Tsukishima then comes in. Oh, how I haven't missed his snarky and salty comments. Suga started to say he he might have grown taller in the last week.

"What are you his aunt or something?" Asahi says, taking his shoes off with Dachi.

"He better not have grown taller in the last 5 days" Dachi says.

"Hey" Me, Kageyama and Hinata call to Dachi.

Hinata then walks up to Dachi and bows. "I-I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused!"

"I'm mean, even if you didn't go, you would be worthless on your own" Kageyama says, almost making me snort.

"Oh, Shut up!" Hinata yelled at him. "You guys don't need to keep reminding me!"

"I only said it once!" kageyama say to hinata.

We all watched them fight for the next 10 minutes. Yachi then called me over.

"yeah? what is it?" I say to her.

"A girl from our class wanted to talk to you" Yachi says, pointing to the door.

I looked over to the door and saw Hamiyu, a blonde girl wave to me. I nodded to Yachi and walked over to the girl.

"Hey, wha-"

"Listen here you brat" She grabbed the rim of my collar and shoved me against the wall with a surprising force. "I know you want Kageyama, the entire school and hell probably the country probably knows and if you don't back off I will make you wish you were never born"

"Um...Chill, girl, are you okay? Do you need dr.Phil or something?" I say, shoving her off me.

"The only person I need is Kageyama, and besides, he wouldn't fall or an ugly person like you" She litrally spat in my face.

"Gross, okay barbie, you can go back to your dream world, your stink is making my skin react" I say, playing it off cool.

She huffed and spun her hair around, whipping me in the face and walked away. Even though I acted like what she said didn't matter, I couldn't help but feel a bit sad, but I brushed it off and went back to the gym.

What does she mean by me wanting Kageyama?

♛ Royalty on the Court ♛ Kageyama x OC ♛ Haikyuu! ♛Where stories live. Discover now