XI: 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

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We've already won both matches against Date Tech and that other team. We watched Seijoh play. And of course, they won. We would be versing them tomorrow, I could only imagine how Kageyama felt right now. I looked over to him, he seemed tense.

Ukai made us go back to the bus, within seconds of getting there and sitting down, the entire team was asleep. I was the last to fall asleep. When I woke up, I found a camera in my face and the entire team behind it with wide eyes.

I yelled when I saw them and accidently punched Asahi...again, but this time in the face. When I realized what I just did, I frantically apologized and bowed to him several times.

"I'm so so so so so so sorry!" I say, grabbing his face and looking at it.

"I'm fine, really, your kinda hurting my back though." Asahi says as I let go of his face.

"I'm sorry!" I say, bowing again.

Kageyama POV

I woke up next to Emiko. Her face was sleeping softly. I was one of the first to wake up. The only other people that were awake where Suga and Dachi. Suga looked smug and Dachi was smiling in a way that made him look like a proud father or something like that.

I watched Emiko sleep, she looked so peaceful. But to her I'm just a friend, I can like her. I can't. It will ruin everything. But I like her so much, I wish we could do things. Together, as a couple. I wish we would date each other. I almost missed that set to Hinata because I was watching her. I need to focus on volleyball.

Pretty soon, the rest of the of the team woke up. Emiko was the only one asleep. Somehow, Tanaka and Nishanoya thought it was a good idea to take a picture of her. They put their phone in front of her face and took the picture, in that second she woke up, she also got scared and punched Asahi in the face.

"I'm so so so so so so sorry!" Emiko say, grabbing his face and looking at it.

For some reason, I got insanely jealous when she grabbed him face and forced him to bend down. She had punched him in the side of the face and on the nose, there was only a small bruise. I clenched my jaw and squeezed my fists. I didn't like when she got close to anyone. I didn't like when she touched other guys, it made me feel annoyed and jealous. I could feel the shaking of my fists as I tried to calm down.

"I'm fine, really, your kinda hurting my back though." Asahi says as she let go of his face.

"I'm sorry!" Emiko says, bowing again.

"Okay, lovebirds, get off the bus, your holding up the line." Tanaka says.

I glared at Tanaka in that moment, that was something, I didn't want to hear. When he turned to look at me, his expression dropped and he just stood still. I felt my nose and eye twitch. Emiko didn't notice.

"EW! Tanaka, no! I mean, no offense your not my type, but Tanaka!" Emiko said as she to Asahi and Tanaka.

"What is your type? Imaginary people?" Tsukishima asked, looking smug.

"Oh my god, so funny." Emiko said, unamused. "No, I have a type but I don't need to share that information with you."

When she said 'type' her eyes flicked in my direction. But, she was probably looking at the whole team.

"Suit yourself, I mean, I could get you a man" Tsukishima said, walking off the bus.

We all looked at him in surprise.

"Um.. When did you become so...nice?" Nishanoya said.

"I only give respect to Yamaguchi since he is my friend. Emiko is my first female friend so she gets my respect as well." Tsukishima said

"...Okay, so somethings wrong with Tsukishima." Hinata said

"Come on guys, get off the bus, geez." Dachi said.

Emiko's POV

As we all walked off the bus, an old teacher came out and yelled at us.

"You guys better come see this! Your on TV!" He exclaim

Tanaka, Nishanoya and Hinata all became very excited and rushed inside to the staff room. The TV was playing todays volleyball on the local news. It showed Oikawa on the screen a lot. It then showed Date Tech's lose.

"Date Teach's lost their match against Karasuno High-" The news ladys voice was cut off by Tanaka, Nishanoya and Hinata getting excited.

The TV then showed Oikawa again. Then the volleyball session on the Tv was over. We all just stoff their watching the TV.

"They showed your game at the start for a second or two!" He said frantically.

"Sir, we understand what your trying to do." Dachi said turning around. "Come on guys lets go"

We all walked out of the staff room, with a little disappointment and agner in our step. We went the gym for a meeting before going home.

When I was walking back home with Kageyama, he seemed more tense than usaul. I guess it was for tomorrows match. Hinata came up behind me and Kageyama.

"Kageyama, stop doing that weird thing with your face, you'll get wrinkles!" Hinata said, stoping us in our paths.

"HEY!" Kageyama said trying to hit him.

"Also, we need you to focus if we want to win the match tomorrow!" Hinata said, all bubbly and sure to win.

Kageyama was silent for a few seconds, he was thinking about something. Probably tomorrows game.

"Also, you need to work on your smile if the camera comes in close" Hinata added

"Shut up! We need to focus more on winning Hinata!" Kageyama said

"Okay, sure!" Hinata said as he tagged along and walked with us until he had to part ways.

Kageyama's POV (A lot of different POV's today...)

As I fell asleep, I had a strange dream about Oikawa, Iwa and Onion-head.

(Oikawa is Oikawa. Kuroo  is Iwa and Tendou is Onion-head. I couldn't find any other one as this is great! Also, lets just pretend that there is a part were Emiko is 'touching' Oikawa)

I woke up in a startle. I was confused on why I was dreaming about that. I stared confused at the wall for a few minutes while I remember the dream as if it actually happened. I take a peak over to my clock, it was 6:01 in the morning. I rubbed my eyes and got up.

I saw some movement from my window and I saw Emiko was putting stuff in her bag. I quickly got dressed and since my bag was already packed, I took it and went out my window and carefully walked across the tree and tapped on her window, she looked at me and opened the window.

"Hey, its pretty cold out isn't it." She says as she quickly shuts the window. Her room was nice and warm.

"yeah, I guess" I say sitting in her chair.

"So, today we are going up against Seijoh." She said putting a water bottle in her bag.

"We can win against them again." I say, helping her pack.

She smiles at me. "Thanks". My heart melts at her, her smiles looks so soft and welcoming. I squeeze my hand, I can't like her. She is my friend. Volleyball is my main focus right now, just ignore your feelings like always.

"Well, come on, we don't want to be late!" She says as she races down her stairs, I follow her.

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