XX: 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

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Over the next few days we practiced for the next tournament. Soon enough we went to Nekoma to practiced, we could get in a few practice games before the tounament. The second we walked in the door I heard Bokuto's voice.

"Hey Tsukki wanna practice? hey, hey, hey!" he said with his arms in the air.

Hinata jumped in behind Hinata. Tsukishima suddenly bowed and accepted Bokuto's offer. We played around for a bit. We practiced the best we could over the next few weeks, everyone was getting better. We practiced everyone now and then with Nekoma and the other teams.

The month went by in a flash and the finals were coming up, quick. The day before finals showed up out of the blue, we all had practiced so much.

I was practicing with Hinata and Kageyama, we've only done about 3o minutes of practice but Dachi asked us to finish up.

"What, but I feel like I only just started" Hinata protests.

"You guys wear me out" Dachi mumbles, slouching a bit.

"If there is something you want to practice, you can practice it tomorrow" Yachi says, pointing her finger up.

"Oh, yeah, that makes sense" Hinata says. "Hey lets see who can pick up the most balls!"

We all run around and try to pick up some balls. Kageyama knocks out all of Hinata's balls and pick them up, making Hinata chase after him, while they do that, i collect the rest of the balls, winning.

Time skip -brought to you by the TV show... obviously-

"We are finally here, Sendai city gym" Hinat says. "Time to get our revenge"

Hinata suddenly started running to the gym, Kageyama running after him complaining that he got a head start.

"Those two knuckle heads only have enough brain capacity for one thought at a time don't they." Tsukishima said

Hinata suddenly stopped at a familiar looking dude with blonde hair. He pushed Hinata's head out of the way and waved over at Kiyoko and me.

"Hey cutiepie! Your forgot to give me your number!" He called out.

"Wait who is he again?" I ask Kiyoko

"He's the dude that tried to ask us out" She says, turning away

"Your even cuter when you blush!" He said.

Tanaka and Nishanoya suddenly ran after him before Dachi had a chance to stop them, a girl pushed the tall musty blonde out of the way and said sorry. Tanaka and Nishanoya miraculously froze in mid-air. 

The team walked away leaving Kageyama and Hinata alone, we walked up behind the two of them. They suddenly ran off and this time I followed them.

The first people we played were a team called Johzenji. The player that hit on me and Kiyoko was also on that team. Within the first few minutes they scored a point, they were incredibly energetic. In fact they were energetic, loud and very athletic, reminding me of Tanaka, Nishanoya and Hinata.

The scored were muddled around, the team was unpredictable. It was also chaotic. Hinata scored a few good points. So far we were winning, 19-17.

Kageyama jumped up and blocked the ball, but something was wrong...when he came down and turned around, he nose was bleeding, he hit it with his face. We got the point and all but...

Takeda called a time out quickly.

"Ah, Kageyama are you okay?" Hinata started freaking out.

"He'll be fine little man" Tanaka said

"Hey, until you stop bleeding you have to sit" Dachi says, pointing over to the bench.

"No, I'm just fine" Kageyama says, although his nose was bleeding a lot.

"Why would you say that, your face is clearing bleeding?" Dachi says

Kiyoko gets a bunch of tissues for him and asks him questions about how he feels. Yamaguchi had to push him away.

Suga was put on the team, and Hinata was swapped out. Around this time I was the only first year on the team. It was set point, Johzenji tried to do a synchronised attack, but failed and got us a set.

After the intermission, the 2nd set started. Kageyama immediately did the quick attack with Hinata, but they missed. Dachi saves us barely by hitting the ball back up. 

"Dachi, nice ass-wiping!" Nishanoya...complements?

'You really need a new way to say that" Dachi says not taking his eyes off the ball

In the end Kageyama and Hinata get the ball and spike it down. The gap between the points just keep getting bigger. I counter attack a spike and get us a point. Johzenji threw the ball out, when Dachi served the ball went around for a bit but the ball ended up going out. Johzenji called for a time out. The end of the time out ended with Kiyoko saying "I'm not smacking your butts" To Tanaka and Nishanoya.

So far we were 19-15. After a few quick attacks and receives the point quickly wen to 24-20. We were at match point, Johzenji then went to do a synchronised, but the ball went out and we won.

We went back to Karasuno and Ukai gave us a small lecture. The next day we were going to Wakunan, a sudden loud voice from the stands ran chills up my spine and the memories of how I got to Tokyo came flooding back, I slowly turn to look at the stand and there she was, Saeko the devil herself.

"Ryu! Ryu! I love you, you big dummy, now make sure you don't screw this up!" Saeko yelled, and Tanaka looked slightly annoyed.

We lined up and thanked them for the game, Wakunan served first. Kageyama started off with a quick attack and got a point. But they seemed like they knew what was coming, this might be a tough game.

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