VIII: 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

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Today was the day we had a practice game against Nekoma. When we arrived they showed up at the same time. A boy with two toned hair seemed to want to get away from Hinata.

I ignored that and helped Kiyoko with the water bottles. Another boy with similar hair to Tanaka was drooling at us, mainly Kiyoko, but I didn't care. I probably drooled at Kiyoko when I first saw her too, I mean who wouldn't.

When I first walked in the gym, Daichi was shaking hands with Nekoma's captain. They acted way too nice with each other.

The game begun and I started in the back row. Nekoma's setter hit the ball straight towards Asahi. The game went on okay. Nekoma was winning by a few points.

I observed how the other team played. They had great team work and their receives always went to the setter. Us on the other hand, we kinda sucked. Hinata was trying to hit Kageyama's softer serves while a blocker was attached to him. Everything else was fine though.

I was a little too much in thought that I almost missed the ball that was coming straight towards me. Luckily I made a pretty good receives.

"Nice receive!" Tanaka and Dachi said

The game played on and the blocker that was blocking Hinata got better and better and soon blocked all of his attacks. The game was starting to go in their favour. When the game finished, Hinata wanted to play another game. The Nekoma coach said that he was going to play another game after we finished, so we played another game.

We played another game, but Nekoma won again. We played one more game and Nekoma won again.

"Let's play one more!" Hinata and I yelled in unison.

"What?! You two haven't stop moving since you got here, how much energy do you both have?" Nekoma coach asked slightly concerned.

"We have to stop playing or they'll miss the last train!" Ukai said

We started to pack up and take the nets and stuff down. I could hear the conversation that Hinata and Kageyama were having.

"You turd!"

"Yeah- you are!"

I laughed as I went to the bathroom to change and freshen up (I don't is that a thing, it should be).  When I came out of the bathroom, the captain of Nekoma as coming out of the boys bathroom.

"Hey, your um... on the team right?" he says unsure of my name.

"Yeah, I'm Emiko, nice to met you." I say

"I'm Kuroo." He smiled to me. "You play pretty well, I would like to versus you and your team in a real match."

"I would like that too." I say, a little scared of how tall he was.

"Do you watch the Lion King?" he asks  pretty randomly.

"I'm sorry what?" I say laughing a little

"Nothing, it just I watched it and now i know all the songs and they are just stuck in my head." he says tapping his head.

I felt a little less scared of him, probably because he was kind of a child.

"Its like a radio of Hakuna Matata on repeat." He say, a little annoyed.

"Okay, well um... nothing personal, but I'm just gonna go." i say waving to him and smiling.

"Alright see ya!" he smiles and waves back

(Not a love thing, they are gonna friends and its gonna be important later.)

 I walked back to the team and we were just walking out the door. I went to Kageyama and walked with him. Tanka was crying to some other player, the coach was getting riled up over the other coach and Dachi was being weird to Kuroo.

"You guys need to calm down, and stop being weird!" Suga the mother said.

"Do we have to get used to that?" Hinata asked.

"Hopefully not." Suga said as he went on the bus.

We all got on the bus and Tanaka pressed his entire face against the window as the bus rolled away. He soon sat down and Nishanoya patted his back in an unsure way. Within a few seconds most of the team was asleep. I fell asleep as well.

When I woke up, the entire team was still asleep. We were near the school, but we still had at least 5 minutes before we got there. Kageyama was sleeping on me and I blushed and carefully moved him so he would be sleeping on the seat as I got up and sliently took a picture of the entire team sleeping. The only one who didn't sleep in an odd way was Tsukishima, he just rested his head on his hand. Hinata, on the other hand, was basically drooling.

I quietly chatted to Kiyoko while I waited to get back to the school. We talked about how loud Tanaka can be and how differently the team acted when Daichi hyped them up.

The school came into view and the team slowly woke up. Dachi was the first to wake, he stretched a bit too much and accidently punched Suga in the face.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, are you okay?" He asked frantically.

"Yeah, i'm fine..." Suga said as he rubbed the side of his face. 

Dachi looked like he was about to shit himself as he apologised over and over again. Nishanoya woke up and shook Tanaka awake while yelling.

"Can you be a little more quiet?" I ask as the rest of the team woke up.

"Yes ma'am!" Nishanoya said putting the thumbs up.

Hinata woke up and being the little ray of sunshine he is, he smiled and annoyed Kageyama as he woke up. Asahi woke up and rubbed his eyes and he blinked and tried to figure out where he was.

"How long did you put up with this?" I asked Kiyoko as I watched the mess of the boys before me.

"You get used to it over time." Kiyoko smiled at me.

"Won't that be fun" I say to myself.

Tsukishima woke up and still looked like the normal, bratty, annoying, smart-ass bean pole he was. Yamaguchi smiled and spoke to Tsukishima.

The bus rolled up to the school and it was beginning to rain. Ukai brought us in the Gym to have a little meeting before we parted. When the meeting finished, it was pouring. None of us had umbrellas so we had to just deal with it. I walked home with Kageyama and soon we were alone. We had to walk in the rain in order to get to out houses.

"Its really pouring isn't it." I say standing in the dry cover

"We're gonna get soaked." Kageyama says, standing next to me

"How about we run to my house, then you can climb through the window and onto the tree then go into your house." I offer

"Sounds like a plan." Kageyama nods

"Okay, ready... RUN!"


Okay, Hi. Thanks for readying, I honestly didn't expect for this to get reads at all... shout out to my sister who likes this story, she keeps on bugging me to update so I'm gonna update....duh.

This chapter kinda sucked, but I think it was wholesome...sorta.

K bye!

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