XXIX: 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

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We where in the basketball gym and everyone was seeing how high they could jump. Kageyama had the highest score and then Hinata went, he got the same score as Asahi. It was my turn and I got 337 centimetres.

"Is everyone in here?" Takeda then came running though the door.

"Yeah" Dachi says as he then turns to the rest of the group. "Come on guys! Line up!"

We all huddled around Takeda but gave him space. He had a proud look on his face.

"Everyone, great work out there. I came here to tell you, I have some great news." He turned to Kageyama. "Kageyama, you have been invited to participate in the All-Japan training camp"

Kageyama's face went wide. And you could hear how shocked everyone was with it. Nishanoya and Tanaka then started to ruffle with his hair and do a handstand on Kageyama's back, how Nishanoya was able to do that remains a mystery to all.

"I also have two more pieces of news!" Takeda said, making us all "Also at the beginning of decemeber, there will be a promising training camp for first years, Jozenji's coach called me and told me about, since this is only for first years, it's basically a mock youth camp"

"A mock youth camp?"

"One of our players have been invited, Tsukishima" Takeda looked to him. 

"That's awesome Tsukki! Your one of the best years first in the prefecture!" Yamaguchi said, hyping his 'friend' up.

"A training camp?" Tsukishima said, a little deadpanned.

The idea went around and soon, Tsukishima was going there without really agreeing to it.

"Sir, you said there was two more news's, whats the second one?" Nishanoya asked, jumping up and down on Tsuksihima.

"Right!" Takeda nodded and then started speaking again. "It was announced late, but Kumi Nakada has allowed for 6 first year volleyball player's to go into their team as a training, one of our own was asked to join" 

Kumi Nakada....hmm, that sounded familar.

"Emiko, it was you" Takeda then beamed down on me.

And my jaw dropped to the floor and waited for noah's ark to climb aboard. Kumi Nakada! Now I remembered, she was the coach of the Japanese woman volleyball team! And I was joining them as a training camp! Holy cow!

 "I'll go ahead and tell them, that the three of you will be participating!" Takeda then left to tell them.

My jaw was still on the floor in shock. The Japanese women volleyball team wanted me to join them as a trainee. My life couldn't get any better.

"Um... Emiko, you've been standing there for ten minutes, the bell went" Yachi said, pulling me out of my trance.

"Hmm? What? -oh, sorry, come on, lets hurry to class!" I say, going to class before the teacher could yell at us.


I went to the station with Kageyama. The was the only train station in town so what a coincidence. The places where we were going where at least an hour or two apart, but still, only one train station.

"JR....U..Uto....U?" Kageyama looked at his sheet of paper.

I looked over his shoulder, damn, Takeda wrote his sheet in cursive. Japanese cursive is the worst! Wait- that means my paper is the same...shit.

"I'm going this way" Kageyama say, ruffling my hair a small bit as he smiled at me. "Text me when you can" 

I waved as he went down and into the crowd of people walking. I looked at my sheet, it was hard to read at first, but I think I got it...I think. I sat down in a chair as the train took off, I looked outside at the window for a bit until I took my phone out and texted Kageyama.

♛ Royalty on the Court ♛ Kageyama x OC ♛ Haikyuu! ♛Where stories live. Discover now