XXI: 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

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Wakunan was a pretty good school. So far, the match was going up and down. It almost seemed like the captain of Wakunan was a lot like the tiny giant, he reminded me of Hinata.

I ran up and hit down a spike, making it bounce off the other teams arms and I got us a point. next Asahi scored a point, he then fist bumped Dachi and they held their fists as if trying to act like it didn't hurt. Asahi scored another point.

It was all going good so far. The points were 19-17, our favour. Spikes were thrown down but they were stopped, this was the longest rally we've had so far. The ball flew off Hinata's fingers and Dachi ran after it.

(You know whats coming...)

He stopped the ball from hitting the ground, Nishanoya came from behind and threw the ball back, Dachi jumped off the ground and went after it. He jumped down to stop it again...but so did Tanaka, Tanaka made the ball go back into the air and Dachi ran, head first into Tanaka's elbows. 

I saw what happened, I didn't watch the ball, I don't even know if we got the point or not. Dachi was lying on the ground, not moving... Dachi was dead- Okay I'll stop.

"Ur... Dachi?" Tanaka said, worried

I kneeled down next to Tanaka and poked Dachi's shoulder gently just in case he hurt his head. His eyes squeezed and slowly opened. He got on his knees and groaned.

"Okay, what hurts?" Coach Ukai asks

"...my face..." Dachi says holding his head.

"Dachi, where are you right now?" Takeda asks

"Sendai City Gymnasium." 

"And what team are you playing?" Takeda asks again

"Wak- Wakunan south, I'm fine!" Deadchi says

"Look, you hit your head pretty hard, so I need you to go to the office" Takeda says

I could see the hurt look on his face, he wanted to play but he knew Takeda was right.

"Look, I need you to confirm that everything was alright" Takeda puts a hand on Dachi's shoulder. "Then your back into the game"

"...Okay" Dachi says, looking to the ground.

"Your bleeding" Kiyoko says, looking at the small bit of blood on his lips

"huh-" Dachi opened his mouth the smallest bit and blood came out, he moved his hand to his lip and Kiyoko gave him a tissue.

"Look, I'm fluwa-" Dachi spat out a tooth.

Tanaka went up to Diech-Dachi and bowed. "I'm sorry-"

"No, I'm sorry Tanaka, I saw you coming in but my body was already moving to the ball, but hey look, you got us a point back and now we could win this" Dachi pats Tanaka's shoulder.

Dachi went with coach Ukai and went to the office. Ennoshita was coming up as the replacement for Dachi. Within a few seconds Ennoshita was already lecturing Tanaka.

The game went on and the captain of Wakunan aimed the ball towards Ennoshita. Ennoshita got the ball and aimed it towards kageyama and Kageyama set the ball for Asahi.

We only needed few more points to get the set. Suddenly Yamaguchi was up to play, he swapped out Tsukishima. He looked nervous to throw the ball, but when he did, he managed to get us a point. He had to do it again,  he threw it and hit it without jumping.

The ball was thrown around but we ended up winning the set. At the smae time coach Ukai came back and he looked upset. He was walking in an angry way towards... Tadashi.

"TA DA SHI" Coach Ukai said, but before he could reach him Ennoshita stopped him

"He-he knows coach" Ennoshita said "he probably knows it better than us"

I saw that Tadashi was pretty upset. Tsukishima handed him a towel.

"Hey, coach how is Dachi?" Tanaka asked

"Well, there is no sighs of a concussion, however the bleeding and the pain in his mouth are a bit severe, so we are gonna let him rest for a bit" Coach Ukai said

Tanaka looked to the ground but then Ennoshita and Asahi slapped his back.

In the second set, we were losing 24-20. And Wakunan won the set. The third set started, The ball went flying out and Hinata ran after it, Ukai lifted up the chair and made Takeda fall off, Hinata glided on the floor and turn around perfectly. 

"Counter Attack!" Ukai yelled

Hinata jumped in the air and hit the ball down, falling into Kageyama. The round went on and we where one point under them. Ennoshita ran after it and stopped it from hitting the ground. The ball went back and Hinata aimed it back to Nishanoya, Hinata ran back to hit the ball and we got a point.

The game went on and a rally played out. The referee made us switch sides. We got better. Soon it was 18-18. Wakunan called out a time-out. Hinata was up to serve. And the other team hit it back to us, Kageyama hit the ball to Ennoshita and he the point.

We were now at match point. But the other team scored a point, the ball went around for a bit, it went to hit the ground but Ennoshita hit it and it went to Kageyama.

Hinata was still on the ground, Kageyama didn't realise until he touched the ball. I ran up and jump as hard and as fast as I could. I extended my left hand backwards and hit the ball with all my might, it soared past Wakunan and hit the ground, winning the set.

The whistle blew signalling we won and we all cheered.

"Since when can you spike with your left hand?!" Kageyama asked as he yelled but he was happy.

"I'm dominant with both hands.... I thought you guys knew" I say, slightly concerned. I mean, I practice with both hands

"That was awesome!" Hinata said jumping up and down.

We thanked them for the game. And packed up our stuff as we were walking we saw Dachi standing at the doors

"Hey look its Dachi!" Tanaka said, tensing up

"Ur...hey, ur... I'm sorry" Dachi says, rubbing the back of his head

"Dachi!" Nishanoya yell, springing in the air

"Good. To. Have. You. Back!" Suga said, punching him after every word

"Dachi, are you... um..." Tanaka tried, but failed.

"Trust me, I'm fine, I managed to get quiet a bit of rest actually, and I'll work harder than any of you next time" He said "You guys must be exhausted from playing full sets"

We all walk back up stairs to the stands.

"You guys were amazing! I was watching with Dachi, Emiko I didn't know you could use your left hand just the same as you use your right" Yachi said

"Heh, thanks" I say, rubbing the back of my head

Yamaguchi was behind us all, looking down.

"Excuse me guys, I have to go to the bathroom" Yamaguchi says, turning around looking pretty sad

"He sure takes going to the bathroom seriously" Hinata says

"He might have to take a shit" Kageyama says

"Come on man, you don't have to say it like that" Hinata says, hands on hips

"Shit" Kageyama says back

"Say poop!" Hinata points his tongue out

"Shit!" Kageyama yells back

"Say poopey!" Hinata yells making me snort.

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