XXVIII: 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

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Ushjima spiked the ball and it flew straight to Kageyama then repelled upwards and towards the side of the court about to go out. Dachi then hit it upwards and saved us from getting out, the ball went to Asahi who spike it, making it repel back towards us. Tanaka then it back towards Kageyama.

I ran with the group, making everyone wonder who Kageyama would set the ball to, or would he setter dump? That didn't matter as long as we got the point, I didn't care who it went to.

Kageyama set the ball up and-

Hinata, it was going to Hinata, come on man, get it!

Hinata slammed it down, number 9 tried to get it, but it bounced off his arms and was starting to go out. It was going out.

My feet landed on the ground and I watched in slow motion as the ball was going out, two members of Shiratorizawa going after it.

The ball hit the ground and the gym went silent. my breath hitched and my eyes widened. The gym then erupted in noise. I got my breath back and screamed in joy. Holy mother of shit, we going to nationals!

Dachi, Asahi and Suga had there moment, while everyone else hugged each other and jumped on one another, Tsukishima being the main victim of Nishanoya and Yamaguchi. I was engulfed in a hug with the first years and seconds years. We lined up and said thank you to the other coaches.

We thanked everyone for coming and I couldn't help but smile at their reactions. We walked to Takeda, Ukai and Kiyoko who were all excited.

"Everyone! Really great job! I'm so proud of you guys!" Takeda said, tears rolling down his face.

"DACHI! Amazing job!" Ukai said, grabbing hold of Dachi's shoulders. "Well done, that three man block was sweet!"

"Tsukshimia!" Ukai then turned to Tsukki and grabbed his shoulders. "No matter what anyone else says, you son, are the MVP today"

"Well, I can't take that all the time so I'll give it to you" Tanaka says, pointing to himself.

The award ceremony went on and I couldn't help but smile. I know I should be sad an all for Jisoo, but this was what she wanted me to do and I did it for her. I won -no, the team won. While I waited for the team to finish everything and pack up, my brother rounded the corner with a huge smile on his face.

"Emiko!" He said, making me turn on my heel and smile hugely. "You won, I'm so happy for you!"

"Good work Emiko" I heard a familiar voice from behind him, I looked over his shoulder at the one and only Haru.

"Haru! You saw my match!" I say hugging him.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss my future in law's match now would I?" Haru said, making my eyes sparkle.

"You proposed! Finally! Why wasn't I invited?" I say, looking at the two of them.

"He proposed today, but thats not the only good news I have" Ryūji said. "I found Mum"

I looked to him, shocked and frozen. I tilted my head slightly and stuck it out a bit. 


"I found Mum, about 2 hours ago as well, she came to your game seeing as how I posted on it on instagram" Ryūji said, ruffling my hair. "Do you want to see her?"

"Do I!?" I say, bouncing with excitement. "She saw my game? She saw me win! Thats -I don't know what to say um...she's here, my mother is here?!"

"Yeah, come on" Ryūji says, gesturing for me to follow him.

I start to follow him before I stop. "Wait just a sec!"

I run back to the team so they don't go anywhere without me.

"DACHI! Hey, I just need to go somewhere, I'll be back in like -a few minutes! See ya!" I say, making him turn around and letting him be slapped in the face with my words before I run off back to Ryūji and Haru.

I walk with them down the hall and I noticed the woman I help today was standing in front of me with a smile on her face.

"Emiko, this is your mother" Ryūji says, placing an arm around her.

"Hello...again" She says, the smile not breaking.

"You -your the woman who I was helping today!" I say, pointing to her. "Your my mother!"

"Yes, I didn't know until you walked on the court, Ryūji here told me." She said, walking up to me and holding my face. "Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry about everything. Your father took you and then placed a restraining order for a long, long time. The court never gave me a chance to met you after that"

"Okay, but...your pregnant" I say.

"Good Observation -Yes, I got remarried, he works as an astronaut, he is currently on the moon, but he would be back in a week or so" She said, now slapping me in the face with words.

"Oh-okay, a lot to take in, um...your my mother, I don't know why I didn't see it before, you have the exact same features as...Jisoo" I say, stopping the tears from threating to fall out. (I'm listening to YBC touch you, rn, lol what a great song for this moment)

"yes, baby, I'm so sorry, I wish I could have come sooner, but I just moved from Tokyo, he and my husband, his name is Goro" she said. "Oh, right, my name is Sayuri"

~~Aww, this is so sweet, anyways, I'm bored of it, moving on, they met, big deal.~~

Ukai took us all to have dinner again. Tanaka, Nishanoya and Hinata rested their heads on the table.

"Okay, My brother's one year old toddler has better manners than these knuckle heads" Ukai says, looking at the three boys.

Kageyama's head was bopping up and down, trying to stay awake and Hinata was out like a light.

"COACH! I so...so hApPY! AArrrgggg!" Takeda started sobbing, the alcohol he had getting to him.

"Speaks, you should probably slow down, thats about the 8th time you said that" Ukai says.


We where in the basketball gym and everyone was seeing how high they could jump. Kageyama had the highest score and then Hinata went, he got the same score as Asahi. It was my turn and I got 136.22 centimetres.

"Is everyone in here?" Takeda then came running though the door.

"Yeah" Dachi says as he then turns to the rest of the group. "Come on guys! Line up!"

We all huddled around Takeda but gave him space. He had a proud look on his face.

"Everyone, great work out there. I came here to tell you, I have some great news." He turned to Kageyama. "Kageyama, you have been invited to participate in the national youth intensive"

Kageyama's face went wide.

♛ Royalty on the Court ♛ Kageyama x OC ♛ Haikyuu! ♛Where stories live. Discover now