IV: 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

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It was about 11pm at night. My father was at the bar with his friends and my mother was in another country so I was left alone. I stayed in my room for the night. I heard a slight tapping on the widow of my room, I was on the second floor so I was curious to know what it was. When Ilifted the curtain, Kageyama was standing on the tree outside.

"Kageyama! What are you doing?" I ask as I open my window and let him in.

"I was bored and I wanted to see you." He said entering my room.

"D-do you have any idea what t-time it is?" I ask him looking at my watch.

"Why do you stutter so much?" He changes the subject.

"Oh...um... I d-don't know, I um.. I-I guess I-I'm just s-shy." I say stuttering a lot more. I officially hate myself :)

"Well, you don't seem shy on the court." He sits down on my bed.

"That's different" I say sitting down next to him.

"How?" He asks

"I don't know! Stop asking questions!" I say playfully hitting him and laying on my back.

"I like to talk to you though." He says as he lays down next to me.

"I like talking to you too." I mumble. "Why does your hair look so silky and fluffy?"

"Wanna touch it?" He asks with a laugh.

My hand reaches up and touches his hair. It feels so fluffy and silky, just how it looks. I run my fingers through it and he blushes a small bit and so do I.

"Its so...soft." I say

We study each others faces. My eyes trace over his face outline, his hair and his eyes. They reach his lips and I think about what would happen if I just kiss them right now. I close my eyes for some reason and I can't open them.

"You must be tired. I'll leave if you want-" He gets up but my eyes shot open and I stopped him from moving.

"No. Can you stay?" I ask as we both lie back down.

"I'll stay." He says as I begin to drift off to sleep.

Kageyama's POV

She is sleeping in my arms right now. The woman of my dreams is in my arms. I hug her tightly and I don't want to let go. This moment is perfect. She is perfect. She somehow calms me when I get angry, I get jealous when other guys look at her. When we practice together she calms me. She drives me crazy.

Emiko's POV

As I woke up, I could feel something wrapping me in a hug. I opened my eyes to see I facing hugging someones chest. I looked up to see Kageyama sleeping peacefully. Kageyama sleeping peacefully...next to me. He looked so calm and peacefully. I studied his face for a while.

My alarm clock suddenly went off and woke him up. He rubbed his eyes and stretched. He than saw me looking at him.

"oh, hey there." He smiled.

"H-hi." I say

"We should probably get ready for school." He says sitting

"Yeah." I stand up and he goes back to his house through the window.

I get my stuff ready for school and I go down stairs to get my bag. My father was looking for beer, I don't think I've ever seen him without a beer in his hands.

"What the fuck do you want?" He slurred as he took a sip from his beer.

"I'm just going to school, I'll see you later." I say picking up my bag and leaving.

"Yeah, you better leave. Worthless scum." He mutter

"Will you ever not be drunk?" I ask picking up my bag

"Don't you dare back chat to me, young lady. You sound exactly like your mother." He pointed his finger at me.

"Dad, the last time I saw mum was when I was 4, I can barely remember her." I open the door.

"Your the reason she left me." He spat at me as I closed the door.

I saw Kageyama on my mailbox waiting for me. I smiled and walked with him to school.

Time skip -Volleyball practice-

I was walking with Kiyoko to volleyball practice. She was in the class room next to me, so we walked together. She was actually very nice when she wasn't beating up the boys. When we walked into the court, some short guy came running up to her.

"Kiyoko! I have come to see you!" He yelled as he jumped for her. Kiyoko gave him a pretty good slap in the face.

"He's like a tornado as usaul." Sugawara said

"A horny tornado." Hinata added.

The guy was short. He was shorter than me, which made me feel a little happy. His hair was spikey and had a blonde bit out the front. He saw me and tried to act cool.

"Hey there, I'm Nishanoya, but you can call me Noya." He winked at me. "You a new manager?"

"I'm a player." I say

He suddenly went to his knees and looked like he started to pray.

"Thank you god for letting me play with a girl, a hot girl." He said as I awkwardly walked away from him towards the others.

Noya asked about some guy named Asahi. The others looked sad for a moment and Noya started to yell and then he left. Later that day in the volleyball training, Noya was back. He was teaching us how to receive.

"Okay so you just like, whoosh, fling and pow, Got it?" He looked to us with a straight face. We all turned our heads in confusion

"What?" Tsukki said complete confused

"I've been noticing your height, how tall are you?" Noya asked Tsukki

"Tsukishima is-" Yamaguchi was about to answer for him

"Shut up, Yamaguchi." Tsukki said to his friend


"I'm about 6 foot 1" Tsukki said

"Um... Nishanoya, I noticed you were talking about some dude name Asahi, who is he?" Hinata asked

"DUDE! You can't just ask him!" Tanaka yelled

"He's Karasuno's ace, for what its worth" Nishanoya seemed to get a little bit mad

"Ace?" Hinata repeated

"whats with the empty headed look?" Noya asked

"I...Want to be the ace." Hinata said out of the blue

"huh, with your height?" Noya said, making Hinata look to the ground "I like you! Do it! Do it! Become the ace! I would love to see that! The word 'ace' even sounds cool, 'setter' and 'libero' sound boring!"

Kageyama grunted and I put my hand on his shoulder, I just realised how short I really am. He is about a head and a half taller than me. Noya and Hinata start ranted about the volleyball positions.

It was getting late so we had to go home. Kageyama walked me home since we live right next to each other. We said goodbye and walked into our houses. I walked in and could smell the stink of beer. Beer bottles were laying everywhere so I picked them up and clean up a bit before I made some dinner for myself. My father was passed out on the couch so I left him there. He had burnt out cigarette butts lying all over him.

I went to my bedroom and slept. 

♛ Royalty on the Court ♛ Kageyama x OC ♛ Haikyuu! ♛Where stories live. Discover now