XVIII: 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

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The rest of the volleyball team stood from afar, watching Kageyama and Emiko make up. If a police officer came around, they would most likely be arrested.

"Shh! Guys, be quiet!" Suga yell whispers to Tanaka and Nishanoya.

"You be quiet!" Tanaka poked his tongue out at Suga.

"Guys look, they're hugging!" Asahi says pointing to them.

"Wow, she really left us for him..  wow" said a voice from behind us.

We all turned around to see the Captain of Nekoma and Fukrodani standing there. They both have smirks on their faces and they lean over the edge as if they are trying to get a better look

"Um... do you guys know her or something?" Tanaka askes, confused on their appearance.

"Yeah, we've known her for about 3 hours or something." Bokuto says fake crying.

"Wow, they hug for a long time, are they a couple or something"  Kuroo ask

"Yes, but they dont know it yet" Dachi says 

"Oh, okay, thats makes sense." Bokuto says. "She still left us."

"And if he falls in love tonight~" Kuroo suddenly sings

"It can be assumed~" Bokuto sings, and they both pit their arms around each other and sing swaying side to side

"Her carefree days with us are history~" Kuroo fake crys

"Shut up! Your gonna get us caught" Suga yell whispers to them

"In short, our pal is doomed~" Bokuto sings.

They look at each other for a split of a second and fake cry with each other. The team looks at them in genuine concern. Their singing sounded like two cats being drowned in concrete. 

"Should we tell our teams?" Kuroo questions, suddenly a mood shift changes in him and Bokuto

"Yes, and get them to ship the two of them!" Bokuto says smiling and then they both run off to find their teams.

"Should we be concerned for them?" Yamaguchi asks

"Nah, their fine." Dachi waves it off and looks back to Kageyama and Emiko

"Is the bet still on?" Tsukishima asks with no general intrest

"Yes, why?" Suga answers, turning to look at the taller one.

"Because I'm only here to get my money" he shrugs

"Well, at least you voted for Emiko" Dachi says.

"Oh shits, guys they are coming this way" Tanaka says ducking down

"No swearing!" Dachi slaps him on the back of the head.

"Move, come on!" Suga runs off and the others follow him.

Just in time, they all make it too the gym before Kageyama or Emiko could notice that they were spying on them.

They walk into the gym together, the Nekoma, Fukrodani and Karasuno team all look at them walk in. The Shinzen team asks one of the Nekoma 0kayers why they were looking at them and long story short, soon the entire group of volleyball players, coachs and managers know that Kageyama and Emiko are shipped.

Karasuno loses almost every single one of their games. Not a single days passes and we dont lose.

Soon the last day of practicing comes and the final game we have is against was against Fukrodani. We finally won a game and then Tanaka, Kageyama, Nishanoya and Hinata dragged us out and there was a bbq waiting for us.

"Food!" Hinata yells his eyes sparkling  as he runs to collect a plate.

I watch all the boys run up and eat whatever they can find like its the last meal they will ever have.

I stick around Yachi, I could tell she wanted food by the way she looked at it.

"Yachi, do you want some food?" I ask her

"Oh no, i'm fine really..." she mumbles as she looks longing to the food.

"Hey, do you want one?" A tall guy with fish lips asked Yachi.

Yachi began freaking out and a group of guys surrounded her, asking if she wanted some food. She ended up eating a burned piece of meat.

I got some food for myself. And I saw Kageyama inhaling the food one his plate.

"Kageyama, your gonna choke if you keep eating like tha-" I tried to warn him, but he started to choke.

Hinata was right next to him eating away without a care for the world, while me and one of Bokuto's friends handed him a glass of water and helped him not choke.

"I told you" I say, patting his back.

"I was mid eating, its not my fault" Kageyama defends himself.

I laugh and turn around. At least 4 people on Nekoma's team and 2 on Fukrodani are staring at us they quickly look away when I caught them. Werid.

I walked over to Kiyoko and the other girls, they seemed to isolate themselves away from the boys but that didn't stop the boys from staring. Kiyoko waved me over and I swear to god I heard Tanaka and Nishanoya die in that moment.

"hey, hows the food?" Kiyoko asks me smiling, a smile that would kill any guys in a 3 mile- radius.

"Its great! Sorry I couldn't help" I give her a smile back.

Third Person POV

"Its like a view almost too perfect for my eyes" Ogano, the Shinzen captain says as he looks over to the girls.

"I have to admit Ogano, the beauty rate in the previous years have been outstanding, but now that Karasuno have joined us the rate has gone through the roof, the managers are one thing, but number 13 is-" Naguri, his friend sucks in a breath like it was the last one we would take. "its too perfect"

"I agree" Obano says, acting like they were news reporters

At the same time, over at the burger station, some younger members of the Fukrodani team were also fan girlling over the girls.

"Anahori, I dare you to ask one of them out" Wataru, a middle blocker says

"What, no you do it" Anahori, the teams setter says

"You do it" Wataur says

They nag each other on for a short while until, Tanaka, Nishanoya and Yamamoto appear looking like they came out of a R-rated horror movie or something. Early Nishanoya made them make a promise that no guys would hit on Kiyoko or Emiko or Yachi. Both Nishanoya and Tanaka both thought of Emiko like a sister, also Kageyama was the only one allowed to 'hit' on Emiko.

(Heh, you see what I did there? Okay, sorry, sorry, I'll stop, that was bad)

Both Nishanoya and Tanaka both thought of Emiko like a sister, also Kageyama was the only one allowed to 'hit' on Emiko. But Kageyama would still be bullied for it, not matter how bad or good he was at flirting.

The end of the day came and Karasuno was the first to leave. They waved goodbye to the other teams, Kuroo and Bokuto wiggled their eye brows when they saw Emiko stand next to Kageyama. 

If Kageyama wasn't a dumb-motherfucker when it comes to girls, he might have known he liked Emiko, he also had given up on the facct that he was trying to not like Emiko. He loved her. But he thought she just thought of him as a friend.

Emiko, on the other hand was just plain stupid. She did not know that she liked Kageyama, she did not know that the team was shipping the two together, she did not know that everyone at the training camp had shipped the two together, that still didn't stop some of the dudes liking her but still. Emiko was stupid.

But that stupid could be the reason it all worked out in the end.

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