XXV: 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

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Today was the day we would be versing Shiratorizawa. I was quiet on the bus ride to Sendai City Gym, the others did try their best to comfort me. I would usually be sad that my sister had died, but she told me to win today so I can't be moping around.

We got to the city gym and walked out. I forgot my bag in the bus so I went back to get it, the rest of the team went ahead of me.

While I was walking back to the gym, I saw a pregnant lady having trouble get out of her car, so I went over to help.

"Excuse me miss, would you like any help?" I say, moving up to her.

"Oh, please that would be great" She says, accepting my offer.

I walk over and help her out of her car, she must have been a few months pregnant.

"Thank you, I can't wait to get little Eijiro outta me, I'm cutting it close" She laughs as I help her inside.

"Are you here to watch your kid play?" I ask, making small talk.

"Yes, my kid plays for Karasuno, I hope they win" She says

"I hope we do" I say, opening the door.

"Oh, you here to cheer on the team?" She smiles

"Ur... yeah something like that" I say, I prefer not to talk about how a girl got on an all-boys team

"Okay dear, I gotta eat something right now, I'm starving, I might see you in the stands" She smiles as she walks over to the canteen.

I wave to her and go back to the team. They give me a nice smile as I come back.

"Hey, one of your mothers are here for the game" I say, unsure of which mother it belonged to.

"I think it might be my mother, she said she would be here" Yamaguchi said.

We all head out to the court area, there was a lot of people both from Karusuno and Shiratorizawa. We start to practice when the doors open and Shiratorizawa steps in, Ushijima ahead of the team.

The team looks at Shiratorizawa with death glares, I kinda just look at them. We continue to warm up for the game. When I looked over to Shiratorizawa again, a dude with red hair and wide open eyes stuck his tongue out at me.

Confused, I just looked back to my team. Coach Ukai gave us a motivation speech and then Takeda did. Before I knew it each of us were called out to stand.

"Number 13. Emiko Adiho first year!" A lady called out on the mic.

I walked out and gave Kiyoko a clap, then Ukai a clap and then Takeda. I jogged out to the rest of the team, standing next to them. I feel my heart race, my hands were shaking. I was so scared and nervous.

The lady on the mic gave her little presentation about Karasuno, then announced the members on Shiratorizawa. She explained some things then left us to go back to Ukai. My heart was racing, I felt as if the floors would open up and eat me. Or a black void in my soul was eating me from the inside.

"Emiko, you ready?" Dachi asked, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah" I say, nodding my head.

I went onto the court and got ready. My hand was less shakey, but still shaking. The ball went in the air and slammed down on out side. Ushijima had scored a point immediately, before any of us noticed.

This was going to be a tough game.

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