XII: 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

2.5K 44 35

We lost.

Seijoh won and we lost.


Kageyama sprints to the back and sets it from there, Hinata jumps and goes to spike the ball. But he was blocked by three people and the ball bounced back. It was coming closer to the ground, I ran for it, I was the first to jump, but I missed it hit the ground and we lost.

I could hear the cheers of Seijoh as they congratulate each other. We all stare at the ground.

I clench my hand into a fist as I shed a tear. I cry whine or moan I just shed a single tear before I wiped my eye. We came so far and yet, it just... crumbles right before me.

I was never good at diving at the ground, for obvious reasons. It always hurt my chest. But this time I didn't feel a sting or a bruise or anything like that. I just felt numb.

I slowly stood up and bowed and shook hands with the other team. I didn't speak to anyone. The guys in the stand just said we did good, but that didn't help. Nothing they said would change my mind. Nothing they said would change the game. We had lost.

End of Flashback:

The scene replayed over and over again in my head the next day, I wasn't able to focus in class. I just stared at my hands. If only I had been faster I could've got it. If only I had practiced more on diving and I didn't be a pussy.

The day went in a blur, but slowly. Was it my fault we lost? No, we worked hard, it was just a coincidence that they won, right? At recess, I just looked out the window and watched the other play or walk around and watched pigeon fights. It was funny that there were no crows today, usually there is. The bell went and called drugged on. I didn't listen to a single bit. When the bell rung for lunch, I watched Hinata sprint down the halls, I knew were he was heading so I packed my stuff up quickly and followed him.

By the time I had caught up to him, he was at the gym entrance, Kageyama was already there, practicing. he threw a ball to Hinata. I stayed outside of the gym, no one there noticed me. I watched them a hit volleyballs at each other. Hinata screwed one up and he went to go get it.

"The finals would be wrapping up by now." Hinata said.

"Yeah..." Kageyama said looking to the ground.

I walked in and stood next to Kageyama. 

"And the winners get to go to nationals" Hinata looked at the volleyball and squeezed it.

"Yeah" You could hear Kageyama's gritted teeth.

"Its, not fair" Hinata said quietly before he yelled and threw the ball, running around and jumping.

"AHH!!!" Kageyama screamed and spiked a few balls.

I watched them rage, and throw stuff around. I couldn't hold back anymore and I yelled and threw volleyballs around. I kicked one too. I screamed and ran around the gym, after about 10 minutes we were all on the floor. Hinata had his butt in the air, Kageyama was half up against the wall, his shirt was revealing his abs. I leaned against a wall, panting. I gawked a bit at Kageyama's abs. He had abs for days! I'm telling ya!

"I will never... make another set that I regret" Kageyama said. "So you better get better."

"But there no time" Hinata said.

A sweet voice from behind us made us all flinch a bit.

"Can you please quiet down, I hear hear you from across campus" Kiyoko said.

"Oh, sorry" Hinata apologised.

"KIYOKO!!" Tanaka and Nishanoya have entered the building. 

They both ran at Kiyoko, who ducked as they flew out the door. Kiyoko gave us a little talk. Pretty soon, Dachi, Asahi and Suga came running into the building. They said we would be going to Spring Nationals. Coach Ukai came a little later as well.

The next day in training, we had played two games of Volleyball.

"Hey, Kageyama, your not tired are you?" Hinata asks

"No" Kageyama wipes the water from his mouth.

"Can you toss me some sets?" Hinata asks

"Sure" Kageyama puts his water bottle away and runs onto the court

"I'll join you!" I say, tossing my water bottle aside.

"How the hell do you have so much energy?!" Tanaka asks

We barely get to do a few sets before Takeda comes in running holding a piece of paper.

"We're going!" he yells, puffing

"Going where?" 

"Ur... you got a nose bleed" I say worried

Takeda pushes his glasses up and holds the paper up "Tokyo!"

"Tokyo? So that means we, we get to play Nekoma?!" Hinata gets all excited

"We got a practice match, but this time we won't just be playing Nekoma" Takeda says ssmiling and wiping his nose. "Nekoma is apart in the Fukurodani Academy, they're an association  of school across the region who hold practice games all the time. And get this, Coach Nekomada has invited us to play with them!"

Tanaka and Nishanoya got all excited.

"Teams like that are built on long standing relationships, so its hard to get in, you boys should say thanks to Coach Nekomada, as well as takeda I'm sure he asked him a million times" Coach Ukai said

"in the past few years, we've drifted apart from the teams we used toplay, so this is our chance so lets make the most of it!" Takeda said

"And that setter of their, I'm make sure to get him this time!" Kageyama said, smiling in a creepy way

"Hope you get ready, City Boyz!" Tanaka yelled, looking proud

"I get threw their wall!

"We are invited, but we still need the school to confirm it, I also wanted to confirm that you want to come" Takeda said

"Yeah, we want to come!" We all said

"here we are at karasuno's infamous Heartbreak hill!" Tanaka said

"Alright, we will be going in pairs, Emiko you good with going alone?" Dachi asked

"Sure." I lined up to run, Dachi clapped and I sprinted off.

I ran fast and not long after I made it to the finish line, Tanaka and Ennoshita followed up, then Yamaguchi and Tsukkihima who didn't really run.

Hinata and Kageyama were running at a pretty fast rate and they didn't bother to stop 

"Hey birdbrains you do know that's the wrong way!" Tanaka said

"They probably don't" Tsukkishima said

"I'll go get them" I sighed as I ran after them

They ran a long way, and fast. When I found them it was also dark out, I had to drag them back to the gym

"Umm. so about that trip to Tokyo, we are planning it next month, I'll be handing out parent permission slips the school has given it an okay for doing it in a  school week, although it will be tricky final exams are also due. I'm sure you know what I'm about to say... If you fail at even one subject, you'll have extra lessons, and of course Tokyo, you'll be out" Takeda said.

Well, Tokyo I'll have to say Goodbye...

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