XXIV: 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

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She asked me to win. That was the last thing she asked. I needed to win, I didn't want, I needed to, even if I was subbed out for the whole game, I didn't care.

I was going to win, and I didn't care what it took.

But, I still had to call coach Ukai and tell him, I didn't say her name for next day, I didn't even speak. I slept in her room, her strawberry scent drifted onto me. I didn't know how to tell him, I just stared at my phone for a while.

I had a lot of missed calls from the team. Kageyama had called me the most, at least 5 times every half hour or more, he lived right next to me, I know he probably knocked on my window.

Then I rung coach Ukai. Shit

"Emiko? Hey, whats up you ran out yesterday, is everything okay? Practice is on right now, you've never missed practice" I hear his voice say, in the background I hear the squeaks of shoes and volleyballs slamming stop.

"Um... I had to run out yesterday, because um...." My voice cracked "My sister died"

I let out a sob and my hands got shakey.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Is there anything I can do? If you don't wanna play, that's fine, I can arrange that-" he began to speak but I cut him off

"No, the last thing she said, was... was that she wanted me to play and win the games coach, we gonna win, and I don't care what happens"

"Alright, if you want that to change its okay...should I tell the team" His voice went to a question like one

"yeah, sure, I'm going to go though, so bye" I hung up and went to my room to look at the printed photos I had of Jisoo, she looked so happy.

Third person POV

"Alright, if you want that to change its okay...should I tell the team?" Coach Ukai was speaking to Emiko

"okay, bye-" he looked at the phone, she had already hung up

"Was that Emiko? Whats wrong is she okay?" Kageyama asked

"Ur... Emiko had to run out the other day because her sister had passed away" Coach said, rubbing the back of his head

"Oh... is she okay" Kiyoko asked

"She's said she would still be playing volleyball, it was what she sister asked just before she died" Ukai said

The team was silent. Nobody knew what to say, nothing would suit this situation well, even Tanaka and Nishanoya were silent.

"We'll win this tournament, not for ourselves but for Emiko's sister" Coach said

"Yeah! Emiko will be happy" Nishanoya said

Kageyama was looking at the ground. Should he have done something to help her, should he have went into her house when he knocked on the window? Should he go now?

"I'm going to Emiko!" Kageyama said, running out the door

The team was about to follow him, but they looked to Ukai who nodded and they sprinted after Kageyama. Kageyama had only seen Emiko's sister once, she seemed nice and sister-like.

Kageyama ran faster then he ever did in his entire life, he needed to comfort Emiko. She needed it aswell, he heard shouts behind him the team was following him.

Her house came into view and he saw her bedroom light on.

Emiko's POV

I sat in the middle of my room holding the picture of my sister, we were smiling at a volleyball game, I had just won my first tropey, I was 9 at the time. I looked at the other ones, she was always there to help me, that was until my father put a restraining order on all of my family when I was 14. But even then I sometimes met up with her. She was the best sister I could ask for, now she was gone.

I heard a tap on my window and I looked up to see Kageyama...and the rest of the team. Holy shit. I went over to my window and unlocked it, before I even asked Kageyama held me in a tight hug, the rest of the team did the same.

I was shocked at first, but then I cried into Kageyama's shoulder and fell to the ground, the entire team still hugging me. I heard Yachi and Kiyoko come through the window as well. I was sad, but I couldn't help but smile, these guys really are the best.

After about 5 minutes, I've stopped crying and I stood up again with the help of Kageyama. I wiped the tear away from my cheeks and looked at the team.

"Do you guys want something to eat?"

♛ Royalty on the Court ♛ Kageyama x OC ♛ Haikyuu! ♛Where stories live. Discover now