XXXII: 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

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The next few days I was bombed with texts and calls from the coach and teammates asking me about the thief who took my bag. Apparently, I was on the news for it, which was just great.

Dachi was only a little bit mad at me for not helping the bikers up.

Suga was congratulating on what I did. 

Tanaka and Nishanoya spammed me. 

Tsukishima said that I probably had a weak kick and hit. 

Yamaguchi wanted to make sure I didn't hurt myself.

Tanaka and Nishanoya spammed me. 

Kiyoko sent me a simple little 'good work'.

 Yachi said that she saw what happened and couldn't help but laugh. 

Seako said I should have done more. 

Tanaka and Nishanoya spammed me.

Kuroo said he saw the news.

Hinata said the most random things.

My mother texted me an entire paragraph about how she would personally come down and beat his ass.

Tanaka and Nishanoya spammed me.

My brother sent a 'lol' and that was it.

Oh, and did I mention that Tanaka and Nishanoya spammed me.

Meanwhile, with Kageyama:

"Yo, look at this chick" Atsumu says at the tv.

Kageyama looks over his shoulder at a girl who just passed a crowd of people dodging them and running after a guy. He watched the TV staring at the girl who looked oddly familiar. There was security cameras and two other phones filming what was happening.

Kageyama's eyes then went wide and it clicked in him who it was.

"Holy shit! Emiko?" He said, now invested in the TV.

"You know her?" Another guys said

"Do I know her? She's on my volleyball team and is my neighbour!" Kageyama says, not looking away from the tv.

He watched as Emiko rolled on her car.

"Woah, dude, I think she bionic" Atsumu says.

She ran after the thief and then jumped over the group of kids.

"Dude, thats...thats skills right there"

She then tackled the dude on the ground, earning a "oh!" from the now crowded room and another one when she kicked him in the nuts.

"Bro, you got a cool girl on your team" A guy said.

"I know, she's amazing" Kageyama says, his eyes not leaving the screen until Emiko was off it.

"I think your a simp as well"

"I am not!!"

Back with Emiko:

"Yes sir, I understand, but he took my phone and wallet" I say to coach Ukai on the phone.

"what you did was unacceptable" 

"But sir-"

"No buts, I don't care if he only took your phone and wallet, beating that bastard until he was black and blue would be the only reasonable thing you should've done"

"Sir, he seemed like a baby and I'm not that mean"

"Not that mean!?- You tackled him to the ground and ruined his chance of having children later in life! And you still think your not that mean!?" He laughed

"Sir, I had a pocket knife and a taser in my back pocket"

"Emiko- hold up... TANAKA GET YOUR ASS OFF THE GROUND! Sorry about, next time if that happens again, give them a blow from each member of the team, okay?"

"Yessir, you don't have to tell me twice!"


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