XIV: 𝕂𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕪𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣

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The day of the exams were here. And I was shitting my self. I made it through my other exams, History was up next, I did good on my maths and english. Now its was time for History.

"Okay, you can begin." The teacher said as we all started ticking off boxes and writing.

By the time people were on the next page, I was still up to the second question.

When Did Leonardo Da Vinci Die?

A. 2nd May 1519
B. 3rd June 1666

C. 1st January 2000

Well it obviously wasn't in the 2000's.... right? I tried re-calling the time I spent with Kageyama doing History studying. It was.... B.

I ticked A and continued the rest of my work. Most of them I guessed, but I had to get some right. I ended up being the last one to finish, but I answered all of my question. The end of the day was here and we did volleyball practice. 

"Hey! Emiko How did you do!?" Hinata asked.

"I think I did good!" I say, smiling.

"I think I actually might pass" Hinata smiled back, being the little ray of sunshine he is.

"Come on guys! I know you just finished your exams but we still have practice stop not doing anything!" Dachi yelled, we all walked over and did practiced, even though I know Dachi is nice, he still scares the crap outta me.

We practiced doing receives and dives before we packed up. I walked home with Kageyama, the team was giggling and pushing each other as we walked, we both just shrugged and continued walking.

"So what do you think you'll get?" Kageyama asked

"I just hope I pass" I say, rubbing the back of my head

"heh, yeah we all hope that" Kageyama nods

"I swear to god, what are they doing?" I ask, turning my head and I see the team push each other out of sight.

"I think they are following us" Kageyama says

"Well, duh, they have for the last 4 minutes, most of them should have gone the other way" I say, shaking my head at Nishanoya who just jumped on Tanaka

"When do you think they'll leave?" 

"When we get home"

"Well that should be about now" Kageyama says

I look ahead of me to see my house, Kageyama waves to me and I wave back as I enter my house to hear the song All Star being played loudly and my siblings singing to it at the top of their lungs.

"SHUT UP!" I yell over the music, they both say no and ignore me.

My brother then runs out to me with green paint all over his face, don't they have jobs or any lives outside of this house?

"What did you get on your score? Are you going to Tokyo?" My sister, Jisoo asks

"I have got the scores yet, they are coming tomorrow, then Tokyo comes in two days" I say

"Well you better get good scores or else" My brother Ryūji says

"....Or else what?" I ask, slightly concerned

"I don't know, but I'll find out when I have an idea" My brother says, as he pushes me to my room. "Now pray for a good enough score"

"We aren't even Christian!" I say, but he slams the door in my face.

I look over to my window and see Kageyama on his bed throwing a volleyball. I opened my window and walk across the tree that separates us, I knock on his window and he looks over from his volleyball and sees me, his volleyball passes through his hands on hits his face. I laugh but cover my mouth.

He walks over and opens the window.

"That was really skillfull, I'm speechless" I fake a dramatic entrance.

'yeah, yeah shut up" He lets me inside.

"I was bored so I'm here now" I say, sitting on his bed.

"Yeah, its pretty annoying waiting for the results" Kageyama says.

Let's just say, the results weren't what I was hoping for...

♛ Royalty on the Court ♛ Kageyama x OC ♛ Haikyuu! ♛Where stories live. Discover now