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harry: zayn

harry: zayn i'm really really sorry please just pick up my call

zayn: i'm so fučking sorry

harry: zayn! pick up my call

harry: why are you even sorry for? its my fault! i ran away like an idiot when you were being so perfect

zayn: i'm sorry because i kissed you even when we just made up and

zayn: i just really wanted to kiss you ok. you looked so gorgeous and seeing you that way harry

zayn: fück. i really do have feelings for you but i'm sorry if i scared you off but i just really wanted this and i cant believe how much of an idiot i was being and how i pulled a stupid move again and we're back to square one

zayn: why cant i get this right

harry: zayn stop

harry: you did nothing wrong. you were doing exactly what i'd dreamed of and i couldn't even believe it

harry: if anything it was my fault

harry: i wanted you to kiss me. i had wanted to for ages but i wasnt expecting you to be so perfect yesterday and take us to the park and then kiss me and oh god it was so perfect but i just got so overwhelmed and i dont deserve this

zayn: what the hell do you mean you dont derserve this? you deserve to be treated the best and them some. got it?

zayn: this is such a little issue and we're seeing it wrong. but at least we're not blaming each other now huh?

harry: yeah you're right

harry: i dont want you to get the wrong idea. i really like you zayn and i want more, hope you do too

zayn: of course i do you idiot! thats why i kissed you. and i distinctly remember i had been the one to pull away, you didnt so dont blame yourself

harry: zayn

zayn: dont

harry: and i wont be an idiot this time. if you'll need time, i'll give it to you. i'll wait

zayn: and i'll be waiting for you :)

zayn: ugh harry you're made me into such a cheesy sap

zayn: you have such a strong influence, love

harry: aw sorrehh

harry: oh my god

zayn: whats wrong?

harry: nothing's wrong. please call me love again, after picking up my call. i want to hear you call me love again like you did yesterday

zayn: you're so adorable! of course babe :)

zayn: i kissed you and now you know how much i'm willing to commit to this. you got taken aback but you still want this. we both want to more further. its cleared up yeah? we're done talking about this ok good talk

harry: haha! well that was easy

zayn: we're such idiots. such a simple thing is taking us so many tries

harry: but i guess it'll be more worth it then? :)

zayn: you're right, love :)



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