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zayn: you're such a fućking tease harry edward styles

harry: how did you even survive that lunch break? you looked ready to explode ;)

zayn: you're such a minx i swear to god!

harry: well then. now i cant even eat a banana!

zayn: not when you eat it like such a slut

harry: aw how are you hiding your boner zaynie? you're in french rn?

zayn: shut the hell up! and yes

harry: want me to get rid of that after class? i can think of so many ways to do that baby

harry: zee?

zayn: after school

harry: hmmm?

zayn: get your fućking ass to the park right after school

harry: mhmm why do i need to do that?

zayn: because i want to finally properly ask you to be mine, under the fućking tree where we first kissed and in the motherfućking park where we first met

harry: holy fluff! i'll be there! you haven't properly asked me to be your boyfriend now that i think about it

zayn: about time i do

harry: you're really something zayn malik ❤

zayn: but you love me

harry: yes. i've slowly started to love each and every thing about you and it has only just started

zayn: oh fućking hell harry you poet

zayn: but likewise baby. you know how i feel. i'm shiţ at words

harry: haha i know babe

harry: we have to send lou on his mission, after that we'll hit the park xx

zayn: really hope louis does it this time. he did survive lunch and excused when liam asked for his number. he's smart. but i cant believe liam asked him out!

harry: i'm glad lou said yes. now lets just hope this number episode doesnt make him chicken out again

zayn: yeah same

harry: see you then babe xx

zayn: cant wait xxx


#ZarrySexting if you liked this one! Next one is Lilo ;) thanks so much for sticking with this book and with me so far ❤

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