Chapter 2

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I laid my head on my desk, feeling like absolute shit. The hangover from Friday night still hadn't gone away, but that's probably because I spent my entire weekend locked in my room watching tv and drinking more alcohol. It was now Monday morning, and I was back in school. Biology specifically. I had a test today, which I totally was not looking forward to at all. On top of that, I absolutely hated my teacher, and she hated me. She was very aware that I didn't study for any of her tests, and she did not appreciate it. Also, apparently my attitude towards school was very 'underwhelming and disappointing', whatever the hell that meant. Basically, today was most definitely going to be the worst day of my life.

I was snapped out of my slow and exceptionally gloomy train of thought as I heard an extremely loud and jarring bang very close to my head. At first I thought I got shot in the head or something, but then I realized I was unfortunate enough to still be alive. I lifted my head, and noticed a very thick textbook laying on my desk, and it definitely wasn't there before. Neither was the angry old lady glowering down at me on the other side of my desk.

"Mr Blok, are you with us?" She hissed, and everyone in the entire class turned to goggle at me. I didn't mind though, I was used to being stared at.

"Unfortunately." I answered dryly, giving her a resigned look.

As far as old hag-like teachers go, this one was the worst. Mrs Iving was the kind of teacher that picked on students who didn't have their hands raised, or scolded the whole class if someone was talking when they shouldn't have. The thing she was most notorious for was giving out detentions for the stupidest reasons. You sharpen your pencil while she's talking? Detention. You ask a question without raising your hand? Detention. You turn in an assignment one day late? Detention. And, my personal favourite, you fall asleep during her lectures? Detention for the rest of your miserable life. I've gotten about five detentions just on that one alone, not to mention the twenty others for something else I did wrong over the course of this semester. So, I'm sure I'm about to get another one to add to my trophy case of all the things I give zero shits about. Oh yeah, and I also never showed up to any of them, so that resulted in one of the many suspensions I've gotten throughout the past four years. I'm honestly astonished that I haven't been expelled yet.

"Mr Blok," Iving sighed, which was something else that pissed me off. Why the fuck can't she just call me Justin? She made it sound like I'm my dad when she called me by my last name, which I didn't like in the slightest. "have you studied for the test that is happening today?"

"You already know the answer to that." I said, leaning back in my chair and smirking slightly.

She breathed slowly through her nose, like she was trying not to say anything that could get her fired. "Fine, but it's your own fault if you fail."

She dropped the sheets of stapled paper on my desk. Just as she was walking by me I muttered. "When I fail, you mean."

She heard me, and turned to face me again, scowling. "You have no ambition, Mr Blok. None. And that disgusts me."

"Wow, that's really interesting. Thanks for filling me in. Super fascinating." I said sarcastically, my smirk growing bigger.

"You also need to learn some respect! For yourself and others." She continued to spew.

"You know, ma'am, you sound just like a fucking fortune cookie." I said, now growing annoyed. "How about I deal with my own life, and you deal with yours. After all, I bet you don't have many years left." Damn, that was brutal, even for me. I didn't regret saying it though, it was true.

Her face turned red, and she looked as if she was about to cry. The students around me also started to whisper to each other, probably about how much of a badass I was. "Get out." She finally hissed.

"Okay." I gave her an easy going shrug, then got out of my seat.

I walked over to the door and opened it, feeling the burning gaze of Mrs Iving on my back as I left the room. Feeling triumphant, I strode through the halls. I walked down the many flights of stairs until I reached the first floor. I took the first exit I saw, then walked out of the school and down the sidewalk that led to the smoke pit. Waiting there for me were three other guys my age, including my best friend, Riley.

They saw me coming and I grinned at them. There was no way in hell that I was going to sit through an hour long boring ass test that taught me jackshit. We had it all planned out that way. And that my friends, is how to skip school the best way possible.

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