Chapter 9

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I drifted in and out of sleep, always half aware of the area around me. It was quite uncomfortable in the storage room, and I was mildly certain that I was not going to spend another night in here. I didn't know where else to go though, besides the vents, but that was just as bad as the storage room. Maybe sleeping in the school was a bad idea....

I was broken out of my drifting thoughts as I heard something from outside. I instantly jolted awake and shrunk back into the shadows. I didn't think I would have enough time to get back into the vent, plus my hurt shoulder would slow me down. The only option I had was to stay quiet and hope whoever was out in the gym didn't come into the storage room.

Several moments of silence passed, until I heard the click of the door opening, and a faint light seeping into the room. My heart was beating so fast that I thought I was about to have a heart attack. I was fucked. I was so totally fucked.

Someone walked into the room, and I held my breath, hoping desperately they would not see me. A few tense moments passed, then the person in the room with me broke the silence. "Justin?"

A wave of relief crashed into me, and I let out my breath. It was Riley. Holy shit, he scared the hell out of me. "What the fuck, Riley? Why did you do that? I thought you were someone important." I whisper yelled, although I was quite happy he was here.

"Wow, thanks Justin. It's nice to know I'm not important." Riley said sarcastically, stepping further into the room and closing the door behind him.

"You know what I mean, someone who could get me into trouble." I elaborated. "Why are you here though? I mean, I'm glad to see you, but why did you come back? It's not morning already, is it?"

"No, it's not. It's, like, eleven." He informed me, turning on his phone, which sent a faint glow through the dark space. A moment later he turned on his flashlight, which shined right in my face.

"Agh! Watch it!" I snapped, covering my eyes.

"Sorry." He moved the blinding light away from me and set his phone down on the concrete floor between us, with the screen facing down so the flashlight could illuminate the entire room.

"So, why are you here?" I prodded, squinting at my best friend, who actually looked quite upset. "What happened?"

"My parents threw me out." Riley explained in a slightly choked voice. "They found out I got arrested and they told me that if I want to hang around people like you, I have no place at home. It really sucks though, because my sisters looked up to me. I was supposed to protect them, and now I can't."

I vaguely remembered Riley's two younger sisters. Olivia, who was eight, and Breanna, who was five. They were really sweet girls, but I only met them a couple of times. I knew Riley really cared about them though. He was their big brother, and he would do anything for them. He must feel like he let them down, that he failed his family, and it was my fault. Everything bad that happened to him was my fault. I was the reason why he had nearly as much of a rough life as I did. I roped him into my shitty reality basically since he was born. It was all my fault.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly. "I'm sorry for everything, Riley. I wish I was a better friend. A better brother. I wish you didn't get involved in my drama. I wish you had a normal life with good friends and an amazing girlfriend. I wanted so much more for you, but you got stuck with me. I'm sorry, I really truly am."

"Justin," Riley said firmly, looking me directly in the eyes. "I chose this path. And honestly, I don't regret it. I love you, and I don't want any other best friend. You are my brother, and it is going to stay that way forever."

I gave him a faint smile, and he smiled back. Riley had a good heart. He was the one that kept me grounded and stable. Without him I would probably be six feet under the ground by now, and I was grateful for that.

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