Chapter 92

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Elizabeth, Katrina, Lily, Amber, Rose, Ginger, Rachel, Cindy, June, Stella, Abby, Rebecca, Summer, Michelle, Arianna, Blare, Luna, Violet, Briar, Brooklyn, Alexis, Morgan, Maria. That is my body count, which I somehow suddenly remember all their names. Twenty three girls I have fucked, and I never got any of them pregnant, until now. Actually, it is pretty miraculous that none of them were knocked up, as far as I know anyway. I mean, most of the time I used condoms, unless whatever girl I was hooking up with at the time was on some type of birth control and didn't need any other protection, even if it would potentially cause an STD. This time, however, I was stupid and didn't bother to check with Maria if she was protected, and here we are, paying the price.

Actually, now that I think about it, is it really mine? After all, I wasn't the only person to have sex with Maria in this life. That makes my blood boil a bit though, because if this kid is the offspring of the Descouche brothers, then they would be a child of rape, which is totally fucked.

I soon come to realize that I've been goggling at my girlfriend for probably the past ten seconds without saying a word, and now she's giving me a concerned look. I try and think of something reassuring to say, but my dumbass just ends up blurting out. "Well, shit."

Maria scowls at me. "This is serious, Justin! You got me pregnant."

"Well, uh, it might not have been me." I say awkwardly, not meeting her gaze.

"What do you mean? Of course it was you. I haven't slept with anyone else." She insists, but because of the mind chip, she doesn't remember getting harassed by the brothers.

"Uhhh, well, actually you have." I say slowly, not knowing how to break it to her. "Back when you were not this Maria, but in the same body, you were....uh....sexually assaulted by the Descouche brothers."

Her eyes fill up with tears, which breaks my heart. "How do you know this?" She asks quietly.

"I was there." I admit, feeling shame burn into my skin. Why did I let them do that to her? I could have saved her, but instead I hooked up with Morgan in a closet. "I'm sorry, but there was nothing I could do. I couldn't even get to you. I tried to help, but I couldn't do anything." I hate lying through my teeth like this, but if I tell her the complete one hundred percent truth, she would never forgive me.

"Well, it's done now." She says stiffly, wiping her eyes then briskly walking back over to the section she was in before. "I'll just have to run a DNA test, and hope you're the father."

It hurts to think back to that day, but I'm pretty sure I could hear them unwrapping something, and saying something about protection. Maybe I'm just being delusional though, and trying to trick my brain into thinking the brothers might of had a shred of human decency to make sure they had condoms or something with them. I just really hope that's the case, because I won't be able to look at that kid if I know where it came from if it isn't.

I'm broken out of my thoughts as I hear screaming coming from outside, so Maria and I bolt to the door. We see the four others running down the street, yelling at us to leave. We run after them, but I don't understand their urgency, that is until I look behind us. There's a group of twenty to thirty people chasing after us, but the way that they look and how they're running makes me realize something. These are not normal people; they are zombies. Sick.

"Justin!" Maria cries, latching onto my hand and pulling me along with her.

We manage to outrun the zombies, and continue to jog back into the forest. We make it back to the truck, and Alex drives us back to the cottage. A thought suddenly strikes me, but I take a few seconds to catch my breath before I ask it.

"Alex, I thought you said all the zombies were dead." I remind her, remembering our road trip to the city, and how she told me about the zombie apocalypse that happened twenty years ago.

"I said most of them are dead, but apparently that village is still infested. They'll eat each other out of existence soon though." Alex reassures me, and I snort in amusement.

Maria rolls her eyes at me, then to my delight, rests her head on my shoulder. I lean my head on hers, and try to ignore the tension radiating off of Morgan, who's in the passenger's seat and can probably tell what we're doing.


After a silent ride back to the cottage, I pace back and forth in front of the bathroom door. Everyone else is putting away supplies or making dinner or something, but I'm up here waiting anxiously for the results of the DNA test. Maria took some of my blood earlier, then disappeared into the bathroom. It's been about ten minutes so far, and I'm getting worried.

I am many things, but responsible doesn't sum me up too well. Meaning I am totally not cut out for being a dad. I'm not even an adult yet! I'm still seventeen, but I'm turning eighteen in less than a month. It takes about a year for a baby to be born, as far as I know anyway, so I'll be eighteen or nineteen when that happens. Maria will be twenty one or twenty two, and she's pretty responsible, so I think she will make a great mother. I'm not saying that I'm about to up and leave or anything, but I'm really nervous about having that kind of pressure on me. I'll try my best though, and hopefully I won't fuck up too badly.

A moment later, the door clicks open, and I whirl around to face my girlfriend. My heart is racing, and I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack before she even tells me the results. Her face is unreadable, although her eyes are a little red from crying, but I stop breathing the moment she opens her mouth.

"Congratulations, Justin." Maria says with a small smile. "You are the father."

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