Chapter 50

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"I wasn't expecting you to say that." Another voice said, sounding surprised and maybe even a little disappointed.

"Fuck you, just kill me." I demanded.

"Get up." The first voice growled.

I didn't move for a few seconds, then a hand grabbed the collar of my shirt and yanked me up to my feet. I opened my eyes and saw the Descouche brothers looming over me, glaring daggers at me. I was guessing they were pretty mad at me for nearly getting them caught, but it was their own fault that I tried to escape.

"I take it you didn't get caught?" I observed, giving them a half smirk.

"No thanks to you." The one who still had a hold of me growled.

"That's fantastic. Can you get this over with now, please?" I asked, giving him a dry look.

"Why are you suddenly so eager for us to kill you?" He questioned, now frowning at me.

"I've accepted my fate. I saved Maria. My conscience is clear. I know I'm not making it out of here alive." I admitted.

"That's very true." The other brother, probably Shawn/Nick, growled. He started forward towards me, then latched onto my throat and lifted me a few inches into the air.  "But you will suffer slowly."

"Remind me, what did I ever do to make you hate me so much?" I wondered in a slightly choked voice.

"It wasn't just you, it was DK too, but he's dead now. So, you're the only one left." He answered, without actually answering my question, which was annoying.

"I don't think killing me will help you escape. In fact, it will make it a hell of a lot harder." I pointed out.

"We know we're not escaping, that plan is shot, thanks to you! This is just revenge, Justin. It's personal, because you tried to betray me." He shouted, digging his nails into my neck.

"How did you even find out about that?" I asked, genuinely curious, since it was something I was wondering about all night.

"You and DK don't cover your tracks very well. We're not idiots, Justin, we knew you were taking far too long on that hole, and giving us far too little information. It was just a matter of time before you decided to leave without us." He answered.

"So you knew that you could betray us first, before we betrayed you." I said slowly, working their plan out in my head. "Well, two of us are safe, one is dead, and one is about to die. So who really won?"

"Us, because we're actually alive." He growled.

"But you're trapped." I argued. "And you're going to rot in prison forever."

"You're going to hell!" He yelled, tightening his grip on my neck, making it harder to breathe.

"Well then, I guess I'll see you there." I croaked.

Shawn/Nick let out a cry of anger, and slammed me against the bars of the cell. I coughed on impact, and he moved his hands from my neck to my shoulders. Nick/Shawn came over to use and placed his knife at my throat.

"Should I slit his throat?" He asked his brother.

Shawn/Nick studied me for a moment, then said. "No. Let's make his death slow and painful."

I felt dread creep over me, but I had no energy to fight them. So, I just let them stab their blades into me. I grit my teeth in pain, but tried to focus on Maria, or my new life that was waiting for me. The torture seemed to drag on forever though. I was starting to feel faint and dizzy again, but I doubted I would have another vision. Finally, the brothers pulled back, and I tried to stay upright. I was streaked in blood, but I didn't attempt to stop the bleeding, I just wanted this to be over.

"Do you want to do the honours, Nick?" One of the brothers, who must be Shawn, asked.

"Gladly." Nick answered, striding towards me with his knife poised.

I closed my eyes, feeling strangely pleased that I finally found out which twin was which. I tried to focus on that useless fact, instead of dwelling on the fact that I was about to be murdered.

I suddenly felt a sharp searing pain in my stomach, and I realized he just stabbed me there. The knife was then ripped from my flesh, which caused another jolt of pain to course through my body. I heard Nick step back, and both brothers seemed to be leaving. I finally let myself fall to the ground, as a pool of my own blood seeped around me. I could feel my heart slowing down, and my breathing becoming more ragged and shallow. This was it. These were the last moments of Justin Blok's life.

*Thump thump* *thump thump* *thump.....thump* *thump.....* *.....*

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