Chapter 35

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DK and I made it back to the cellar, waiting for Alex to show up with our supplies. I half expected her to not show up at all, or turn us in. I guess that was very cynical of me to think that way, but I've been disappointed and betrayed so much in my life that I didn't trust anyone anymore. Not even myself.

"So, what's the story behind Alex?" I asked casually, leaning against the wall where the hole was covered by the crate.

"You mean how we met?" DK asked, leaning against the rusty bars of the cell across from me.

"All of it. How you met, why you're dating, what her purpose is here." I elaborated.

"Why do you want to know?" DK gave me a suspicious look, and I sighed.

"No reason, DK. I'm just interested. I wasn't exactly expecting there to be a girl pretending to be a guy here." I said exasperatedly.

"Well, if you must know, we started dating a few months before I got arrested. We went to the same high school, so we saw each other every day. I guess at one point, a girl that I....hurt in the past came forward. So did a few others, and I was whisked away to Juvie, leaving Alex heartbroken and in the dust. She reached out to me a few weeks later, and offered my escape. She didn't care about what I've done, and she wanted to help me break out of here. That's why she took the job, and dressed up as a guy, so she could get inside the walls. Plus, there's benefits to having my girlfriend here, since I can get inside her walls anytime I want." DK grinned at me, and I rolled my eyes.

"Good to know you've been banging your girl here." I said sarcastically. "Please tell me you haven't done it in our cell?"

DK shook his head. "No way, Fish. I wouldn't let any other con near her, except for you, I guess. Although, we have gotten spicy down here a few times, not in the tunnel though, it's too tight."

"Great." I grumbled, pulling away from the wall.

A few minutes later, I heard footsteps coming from above us, and a moment later, a door at the top of a set of stairs near the cell creaked open. Alex slipped through and hurried down the stairs, carrying with her the supplies that we needed.

"Nice job." DK smirked, taking the supplies from her.

I pushed the crate aside, revealing the hole, and jumped inside. I heard DK say one last thing to Alex, then he joined me in the darkness. I turned on a flashlight that I had with me, and we crawled our way towards the pipe. Once we got there, I shifted to the left as much as I could to let DK through. He turned on the blowtorch, and started burning the metal. We sat in silence for a little while, until a thought occurred to me.

"What are you going to do after we escape?" I asked, genuinely curious.

I was originally going to start a new life with my fake ID, but that was currently impossible, since I got it taken away from me when I got arrested. Unless DK could somehow make me another one, I didn't see much of a life ahead of me.

"Alex and I are going to try and leave the country by car, so we don't have to deal with any sort of security. Besides that I have no idea where we're going or what we're going to do. I guess we'll just see what happens." DK explained, which didn't seem like much of a plan at all. "What about you?" He asked.

"I don't know." I sighed. "I had a fake ID, but I lost it once I got arrested. I guess I'll just try and find Maria, and see if she'll take me with her wherever her family lives."

DK grinned at me. "Who's Maria?"

I suddenly realized I totally gave myself away, and my face grew hot. "She's...." I trailed off, not knowing what to call her. Girlfriend? Friend with benefits? Fuckbuddy? "Maria." I finally stated.

DK laughed, then asked. "Is she pretty?"

"She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." I answered passionately.

"Well, if she's willing to be with a criminal, and your plan happens to not work out, you're welcome to come with us. Even if she doesn't want to be with you, you're welcome to join. We could be like brothers." He offered, giving me a genuine smile.

"Thanks, I'll think about it." I said, smiling back faintly. "Please don't take this the wrong way, but we will never be brothers. Riley was my one and only brother, and I'm not replacing him with anyone else. We can be friends though."

DK gave me a thoughtful look, then said. "You're probably the most loyal person I've ever met."

I looked at him in surprise, not expecting to hear that at all. Before I could say anything back, the pipe made a weird noise, and I realized the blowtorch had finally punctured the metal. DK turned the blowtorch off, and peered into the small hole. This obviously wasn't a water pipe, otherwise this hole would be flooded by now, so we might actually be able to get inside it. DK and I grinned at each other. Maybe, just maybe, we might actually have had a shot at getting out of here.

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