Chapter 5

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"Hey, Morgan! Nice to see you. How've you been?" I asked in a forced delighted voice. I leaned against the door of the cage, casually draping my arms through the bars. I gave her a charming grin, even though it was probably weird to try and seduce my cousin.

"Justin." Morgan sighed, giving me a 'don't you dare try and charm your way out of this' look. "What did you do this time?"

"Oh....uh....nothing." Was the only thing my stupid brain could come up with. I didn't particularly want to admit that I was a drug dealer, especially to her. She was my one shot of getting out of here, and if she knew I was arrested for dealing drugs she might just leave without me.

"Really? I've never heard of the Nothing Drug before. Is it from around here?" Morgan wondered sarcastically, crossing her arms and leaning to one side. I grimaced unintentionally, knowing very well that she knew exactly what I did.

"Look, I need the cash, okay? I don't know how else I'm supposed to get enough money to get the hell out of this town." I admitted.

"Here's a crazy idea. Why don't you actually get a legal job? Work at a fast food place if you have to." She offered.

"No way." I said firmly. "My resume sucks, we all know it. There's no one in the world who would ever hire me."

"Well," Riley said thoughtfully. "you could become a male prostitute. Or a stripper. They make pretty good income."

I laughed, and it looked like Morgan was trying not to join in. "If you take on either of those professions, I will walk out that door right now and leave your sorry ass behind." She threatened, but a smile was starting to crack through her scowl.

"Okay, fine! I won't consider Riley's brilliant idea. Can we go now though? As much of a blast sitting around in a metal box is, I would really like to get out of here." I pleaded.

"Fine whatever, I'll get both your release forms." She said, starting towards the door.

"Wait, both? You're bailing me out too? I'm coming with you?" Riley asked, his eyes lighting up in an adorable puppyish way.

The corners of Morgan's mouth twitched into a small smile, but it was hard to decode what exactly she was feeling. "Of course."


The car ride back to Morgan's mansion-like house was very quiet and a little awkward. I wasn't sure if she was mad at us or not. I didn't really care though, it's not like she was my mother or anything. I think what made it most awkward was Riley being all fidgety and nervous. The awkwardness was radiating off him as if he bottled it and sprayed it on himself like bug spray.

I knew why he was so nervous, since he was going to his crush's house. In a different context, he would probably be very excited. Riley has had other girlfriend's before, and I was fairly certain he's had sex before, but Morgan was his long term crush. For years. Since he was my best friend for a very long time, he's known Morgan for a long time. Her and I used to be much closer, but ever since my mom died in a car crash five years ago, and my dad became a drug addict, Morgan's parents didn't want her associating with me anymore.

Honestly, I kind of missed her, and Riley certainly did too. I wasn't sure if Morgan was happy to see us though. She did bail us out though, so that had to mean something. Why her though? How did she even find out about me getting arrested again? I wanted to interrogate her with all of these questions bouncing around in my head, but before I could, she pulled into the driveway of her house, so I figured I should shut up now and ask stupid questions later.

By now it was night, and as she turned off her car and the headlights went out, we were instantly swallowed by darkness. We got out of the car, and a freezing wind instantly slammed into me.

"Wow, nice house." Riley observed, although he as well looked like he was freezing his ass off.

"Yeah, it's wonderful. Can we go inside now?" I demanded.

"My parents don't know you're here, so you're going to have to go in from behind." Morgan told me, and I let out an amused snort. Realizing what was so funny she scowled at me. "That's not what I meant." She then walked away from me, and towards the back door of her house.

Riley came up beside me as we started walking, and I said quietly. "I bet you want to go in from behind."

"What the fuck, bro?!" He nearly yelled, shoving my shoulder roughly. Even though it was dark outside I could still tell he was blushing furiously.

"Can you two please shut up?" Morgan whispered as we approached her.

Neither of us said anything as she unlocked the door and opened it. One by one we slipped inside, and I closed the door quietly behind me, since I was the last one in. It was so dark in here that I couldn't tell where anything was, but if I remembered correctly, and the layout of the house hadn't changed, this was one of the living rooms. Yes, Morgan's house had multiple living rooms, with multiple televisions and multiple bedrooms. Along with a beautiful kitchen and a pool in the backyard.

I really wished I wasn't her cousin. It would be so much better if I were her brother, then I could live here. I wouldn't have to deal with my terrible father, and I probably wouldn't have a criminal record. I probably would be passing all my classes, and maybe even have a girlfriend, instead of a revolving door of one night stands. The only thing that would make my life worse was if Riley died or I went to jail. Or both. If that happened, please, just kill me now.

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