Chapter 84

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I wait awkwardly in the living room with Maria, Alex and Jamie, who is scowling at all of us. We're all sitting on a slightly squashy couch that's an alarmingly vivid shade of blue, all except for the black haired girl, who's standing in the corner with her gun hot and ready to blow our brains out if we so much as sneeze.

I slowly inch my hand towards Maria's, since I'm sitting beside her, and once I reach it I intertwine our fingers together, in hopes of making her feel less scared. Her heart is beating so harshly that I can feel the vibrations in my own arm, and I so badly want to hug her, but I doubt Jamie would allow that.

I don't know what's taking Morgan so long, because it's been at least twenty minutes since she disappeared into a random room with Jasper. I'm pretty sure he locked the door behind him, due to the clicking sound I heard when he initially closed it. That's concerning me a bit now, since I don't know what his intentions are. Morgan can take care of herself though, so if he tries to hurt her in any way, she would probably kick him in the balls before he could even touch her.

Finally, after about another ten minutes or so, I hear muffled voices from down the hall getting closer, and a moment later the click of the door unlocking and opening. Morgan rounds the corner and strides over to us with a mildly irritated expression on.

"About time." I huff, getting up, which results in Jamie taking a step forward and poising her gun at me, but I don't pay attention to her. "What were you two doing in there? Baking a cake?"

Morgan gives me a dry look, then says. "He wants to talk to you."

"Yeah, more like he wants to stab my eyes out because I fucked you before he could." I mutter, but I am pretty sure everyone heard me, including Jamie who looks about forty percent more angry than she was two seconds ago.

"Justin, please do not piss him off." Morgan sighs.

"He already is pissed off." I respond, rolling my eyes and starting forward.

She says something to Jamie briefly, and a moment later she starts to trail me. Great, just what I need, two angry storm clouds hovering over me. I turn the corner, and walk into the room Morgan was just in, which turns out to be a simple looking bedroom.

"Oh, shit." I comment, looking around until my eyes land on Jasper, who is leaning on the closet door. Jamie closes and locks the door behind me, and I give her an unimpressed look. "You know, I really am not in the mood for a threesome right now. Especially with you two." I point between the two people between me, then take a step back towards the bed, since I have nowhere else to go.

"Are you always this sexual about every situation you're put in?" Jasper wonders calmly, starting to slowly pace closer towards me.

"Dry, sarcastic, sexual humour is how I present myself, it also makes me less nervous and more attractive." I explain, keeping the charming half smile on my face, even though I don't feel as cocky and arrogant as I look.

"We're not here to fuck with you, literally or metaphorically. I just want to ask you something." Jasper says, starting to sound a little impatient.

"Oh great, a job interview. Never had one of those before. Or is this more of an interrogation? Maybe even meet the parents? Trust me, I am not a good employee, hostage or boyfriend. So, if you're looking for one of those, I am not your guy." I say honestly, trying not to laugh, because now I'm actually starting to have a blast with this. It's so fun pissing people off, although, it might be a different story if they have guns.

"Shut up." Jamie suddenly snarls, holding her gun up to my head.

"Shit, okay." I say defensively, holding up my hands. "Although, if you want questions to your answers- no wait, answers to your questions, I kind of have to speak. Unless you want me to use sign language, which I don't even know, but it would be cool to-"

I once again ramble on, but Jasper cuts me off this time. "Justin, focus!" He snaps, and I turn my full attention on him. "We just want to know how you got here."

"Holy shit, I've explained this so many times." I groan, pinching the bridge of my nose with my fingers.

"Well, explain it one more time." Jamie orders.

I give her a dry look, then say. "I went through the wooden wardrobe, but this time it didn't lead me to Narnia."

"Are you purposely being a dick, or are you just so fucked up in the brain that you actually think you're telling the truth?" Jasper demands, giving me an equally dry look.

"Oh, no. I'm purposely being a dick. I don't particularly like people who are pointing weapons at me, so unless you put them down I'm going to continue giving you bullshit answers." I bargain, and to my surprise, they both reluctantly put their guns on the floor.

"There. Happy now?" Jasper asks, looking at me expectantly.

"Just peachy." I confirm, sitting down on the bed.

"Great. Now, how did you get here? Tell us the whole story from beginning to end." He says slowly.

So I do, which is getting quite irritating because this is the fourth or fifth time explaining my stupid story. I skim over my old life, but leave out all the people I've killed. I explain how I was killed in Juvie, then brought here somehow. I tell them about how I met Morgan and Alex, and how I saved Maria with my mind chip after I nearly died for a second time. I leave out the complicated love triangle though, because it's my own shit, not theirs. I finally get to the part where Morgan leads us to this cottage, and here they are shooting at us, which is totally rude.

All the while, I wonder why they could possibly be interested in this information, and what Morgan told them to be asking me about it in the first place. Based on their bewildered expressions, however, I apparently unlocked some great mystical secret that only they know about.

Jasper and Jamie are silent for a moment, staring at each other as if they have a telepathic connection, or some freaky shit like that. "Uhhh....hello? Why are you two goggling at each other like that?" I wonder, giving them odd looks.

Finally, they turn their goggling eyes on me, and Jasper slowly says. "You're not the only one, Justin. You're not the only person who has died then come back to life in a different world. The exact same thing happened to us three years ago. Nothing has changed about us though, well, except for one thing."

Jasper then sends a guilty look at Jamie, and she rolls her eyes at him then looks over at me, holding out her hand as if for me to shake. "Hello, Justin. Nice to meet you. My name is James, and I am, in fact, a guy."

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