Chapter 25

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I glared down at the handcuffs that bound my wrists together. I was back in the cell in the courthouse, except this time I was in handcuffs, which were chained to the wall behind me. The cell door was locked again, and there was a guard outside of the room I was in. A police car must have been planted in the courthouse parking lot in case I escaped, ready to catch me before I got very far.

Once they caught me, they searched me for any weapons or anything else I might have stolen. They found the pin and Riley's pocket knife, but I hid the note Maria gave me in the cell, just in case I got caught. I did not want her getting in trouble because of me. I have hurt way too many people that were close to me.

I didn't sleep at all that night, I just waited for morning to come, one boring second at a time. I just wanted this to be over. I wanted to run away with Maria, but I wasn't sure how long that would have lasted for. I was dangerous to be around, so I just wanted to go where all the other dangerous people go, and get it done and over with.

Finally, I heard voices and footsteps from outside the door, and a moment later Morgan came storming into the room, glaring at me. "What the hell, Justin?!" She hissed at me, although not very loud, since there were probably other people outside of this room. "Why would you try to escape? Did you seriously think you were going to make it?"

"No, actually. I just did it for the fun of it." I answered sarcastically.

Her eyes lit up with fury, and she stepped closer to the cell, wrapping her hands around the bars. "I really want to punch you right now."

"Do it. I dare you." I smirked, and leaned against the wall.

As far as I knew, she couldn't get in here, even if she actually did want to hurt me. I didn't care at this point though. I did not give a shit about what happened to me. I had lost all hope.

"You were doing better, Justin. Why did you have to ruin it? Why did you have to do this? You're basically screwed now, you know that, right?" She asked quietly.

"No way. I had no idea. I thought I was going to walk out of here a free man." I answered, rolling my eyes.

"Why can't you ever take anything seriously?! This is not a joke, Justin! You're going to jail. I am trying to help you, and you are refusing to be helped. What is wrong with you?!" Morgan screamed at me, tears starting to trickle down her face.

"A lot of things, Morgan. You can fill a book with all the things wrong with me. My life has gone to shit since my mom died. The only person in the entire world who had my back was Riley, and I killed him. I got into crime and drugs since I was fourteen, and I was failing high school. I have no future in college or a job. I can't support myself, and I can't rely on you or your family to help me." I explained harshly.

Morgan stared at me for a moment with watery eyes, then asked quietly. "Who were you going to run away with?"

"No one, I was escaping by myself." I lied, looking at the floor.

"It was that Latin girl, wasn't it?" She guessed. When I didn't respond, she added. "That wouldn't have worked Justin. She would have moved on. You couldn't keep dragging her down."

"Do you think I don't know that?" I snapped, getting up abruptly, which made her back up a step. "I am aware that I am dragging down everyone who comes into my life. That's why I want to leave. I want to get away from everyone and everything. I want a second chance, Morgan."

"And hopefully you'll get one." She said softly, backing until she reached the door.

She slipped back into the main area, and a moment later two guards came into the cell and escorted me out as well. I still had the handcuffs on, but that wasn't surprising. I was brought to the same table as before, with Jen and the blonde lady sitting there.

I sat down beside Jen, and she whispered to me. "That was very stupid, what you did last night."

"Thank you." I responded, looking forward at the judge, who was shuffling papers around on his podium thing.

Once everyone got settled in the courtroom, the judge spoke. "The jury had time to examine the evidence of Mr. Blok's case, and I believe they have come to a verdict."

"We have, you're honour." The same guy from the jury before said, standing up. "We declare Justin Blok guilty of all crimes."

"Very well," The judge said, looking at the pile of papers in front of him. "Mr. Blok, you have been charged with underaged drinking, a fake ID, theft of an automobile, possession of illegal explosive objects, and murder."

Murder. I was officially a murderer. I wonder how many years in prison I needed to serve for all those illegal things I did. All the illegal things that finally caught up to me.

"You will be transferred to Darkwood Juvenile Detention Centre effective immediately, and serve the following two months there, until you turn eighteen." The judge continued. "Once you are legally of age, you will be transferred to Darkwood Penitentiary. You will serve a total of forty years before your release."

Forty years?! I'll be fifty seven by the time I get out! What the fuck?! I stared at the judge in bewilderment, too shocked to speak. I was aware that I'd be spending some solid time behind bars, but forty seemed a little steep. Then again, I committed five crimes in one night. Along with two others a month and a year ago. So yeah, I guess that's pretty accurate.

"I'm sorry, Justin." Jen said, placing her hand on my shoulder, but I didn't react.

The same two guards came over to me a moment after the judge slammed his mallet down on the disk thing underneath it, signalling the end of the trial. I got up as they led me out of the courtroom.

Forty years in a Penitentiary. How the hell was I going to get through this? I couldn't worry about that now though. First, I had to survive Juvie.

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