Chapter 63

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Morgan and I stagger into a random bedroom, laughing hysterically over something probably really stupid, although I can't remember what. I collapse against a wall trying to catch my breath. I have no idea what was in that alcohol but I need it more often. This is the best I have felt since I came back to life.

Morgan comes over to me and basically flops onto my chest, and yet we're both managing to stay upright against the wall. "Have I ever told you how pretty you are?" She asks me, her voice laced in that wonderful alcohol.

I laugh, and she joins in, but it's shorter lived than before. Morgan suddenly falls silent, gazing into my eyes. To my surprise, she wraps her arms around the back of my neck, leans forward, and kisses me. When she pulls back, I notice the roots of her hair are becoming darker, to the point where they're almost black. The dark hair colour starts to seep all the way down, and her hair becomes a few inches shorter. Her skin tone also changes, and she seems to be getting shorter too.

"Justin." Maria says quietly, and that's all she has to say, before I smash my lips back onto hers.

As we're connected at the gums, we stumble towards the bed and crash down on it. In a blur, we're left in our underwear aggressively making out. I have Maria pinned below me, with my hands holding her wrists down above her head. I start to kiss my way down her neck until I reach her collarbone. I don't stop there though, once I remove her bra I continue down her body, as her moans get louder the lower I go. Once I'm done, she returns the favour, then we go back to a steamy make out session. Finally, I straddle her and go in. We're doing this so aggressively that if I were in my right mind, which I'm not, that I would be worried that we might break the bed. I don't care about that though right now, all I want is to claim Maria as my own again.

After we're done, I flop down beside her, breathing heavily. I'm so exhausted that I don't have time to look at Maria, or even notice the thin trail of blood running out of my nose, before I close my eyes and fall asleep.


I haven't even opened my eyes yet to know this is the worst hangover I've ever had in my life. Either of them, or both. Although, I guess this is the first hangover in this life I've had so far, but it's more like all the hangovers in my past life combined together, plus all the other horrible headaches I've gotten, all rolled into one monster migraine.

I groan softly as I roll over in the bed and try to motivate myself to open my eyes and get up. Finally, with immense reluctance, I do just that. Just as I suspected, clothes are flung everywhere, and I'm sleeping beside someone. I look at the girl and expect to see dark hair and tanned skin, but instead I am greeted with ginger hair and pale skin. Shit. Oh shit. Oh fucking shit.

I scramble out of the bed and fling my clothes back on. I can feel the headache getting worse, and the urge to throw up rising. I'll deal with the fact that I just fucked Morgan later, because right now I need to get into the bathroom. I run across the room and turn sharply into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I collapse at the toilet, and let my insides tumble out of me. This is definitely my least favourite part of being drunk. The epic hangover and nauseous feeling never gets old. That, and the illusions that make me think my uncousin is actually the girl I'm in love with.

Once I think I got all the alcohol out of my system, I stagger back upright and look at myself in the mirror. Wow. I look like shit. I wish there's running water in this place, but unfortunately not. I rub my eyes, but when I open them again, I see Maria standing in the mirror behind me. I whirl around, but no one is there. Just like how I imagined Riley was in my cell with me back in Juvie. I look at my reflection again, and see that more blood is seeping out of my nose. This time though, a jolt of pain slices through my already aching head. I wince and lean against the bathroom counter, clutching my head tightly in my hands.

A knock at the door breaks me out of my pain, and I hear Morgan say. "Justin? Are you okay?"

"Go away." I grumble, gingerly letting go of my head.

Apparently she doesn't know how to listen, as she opens the door and stares at me. "Oh, you look...." She trails off.

"Terrible. I know." I grunt.

"Well, that doesn't change anything." She says in a flirtatious way, stepping forward as if she's about to kiss me again.

"Don't." I snap, putting my hands on her shoulders. "Last night was a big mistake. A really big fucking mistake. We shouldn't have done that."

She gives me a confused and slightly hurt look. "If you're worried about me getting pregnant, that's not the case. I'm protected, I'm not going to-"

"No." I cut her off, shaking my head. "That's not it. I....I'm're not." I let out a short sigh. "You're not her."

Morgan's gaze hardens, and tears start to form in her eyes. "I'm not Maria. You don't love me like how you loved her." She lets out a bitter laugh. "Although, you have no problem taking advantage of me when I'm drunk."

"That's not fair, Morgan." I growl. "I didn't force myself on you. We were both drunk out of our minds. It just happened. And it was a mistake. But we're never doing it again."

Morgan stares at me for a moment, and I'm half expecting her to slap me or something, but she just backs up. "That's fine." She says in a choked voice. "I wouldn't want to sleep with a prick like you again anyway, drunk or not. You took my virginity though, so thanks for that."

She sends me one last scathing look, then storms towards the front door, flings it open, walks out of the bedroom, and slams it behind her so hard that it shakes the entire building.

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