Chapter 36

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A few weeks have passed, or maybe it's already been a month, I didn't know since I had no sense of time, except for the hours in the day from occasional clocks on the walls of the Juvie building I was trapped in. The cycle of my regular day went as follows; wake up, chat with DK, go to the cellar and work on the way out of here, eat lunch, continue working on the pipe, go back to our cell, go to sleep. It was boring as hell, doing the same thing over and over again every single day, but it was worth it.

The hole in the pipe has gotten bigger, but it took longer than we expected to make the hole big enough to fit through. Plus, the Descouche brothers were checking up on us more frequently, and I was worried they were getting impatient. I didn't know how the escape would go, with them breathing down our necks constantly, but we had to lose them somehow. We didn't have to worry about that right now though, our first priority was making it into that pipe.

Since we only needed one person in the tunnel at a time, DK and I took shifts melting the metal. It was my turn now, and it was sort of nice to be down here by myself. DK was up in the cellar 'keeping watch' to make sure no one came into the cellar while I was down here, but I was fairly certain he and Alex were doing something else, based on the echoing girly moans that somehow bounced its way down here. I wasn't a pervert or anything, but I didn't tell DK that I could hear them, mainly because it reminded me of Maria, which turned me on.

At this point, the hole was definitely big enough to fit my head through, but when I tried to squeeze the rest of me through, I was only able to get one shoulder in. My six foot self couldn't make it through quite yet, but maybe someone else could. I crawled back towards the entrance of the tunnel, bringing the blowtorch and hammer with me.

"I'm coming up!" I called up to DK and Alex, since I didn't really want to see them in action right now.

"Okay." DK called back down, sounding out of breath.

I popped my head out of the hole, and to my relief, DK and Alex were both clothed, and sitting next to each other. Although, DK's hair was messy, and there was a red spot on Alex's neck. So they definitely were doing something.

"Alex, I need you down there." I said to her, fully getting out of the hole.

"What?" Both of them asked in unison.

"I'm still too big to get my entire body into that pipe, but you might be able to. How tall are you?" I explained hurriedly.

"5'6." She answered warily, glancing at DK.

"You're not going to be in any danger, I just want you to see where that pipe goes." I assured her.

Alex looked between me and the hole in the ground. Finally, she said. "Alright, I'll do it."

She stood up, but DK grabbed her wrist before she could go anywhere. "Alex." He said, giving her a worried look.

"I'll be fine, Drew. I promise." She said softly, then pulled away from her boyfriend and disappeared down the hole.

To my alarm, DK whirled towards me and slammed me against the rusty cage behind him. "If anything happens to her, I will burn your face off with that blowtorch over there."

"She'll be fine, dude, trust me." I said, finding it a little funny how quickly he could change his mood.

"She better be, otherwise you'll regret sending her down there." He threatened, staring his blazing blue eyes at me.

After a moment, he let me go, and I stepped away from the cage. I was trying to think of something else to talk about, but before I could, I heard footsteps coming towards the cellar door.

"Fuck." DK muttered, then promptly shoved me down the hole.

I landed on my shoulder, which sent pain ricocheting through my body. I was pretty sure that was the same shoulder I injured a few months ago, back when I was still in school and Riley was still alive.

DK joined me in the hole seconds later, and he scraped the crate back over it, sending us in complete darkness. A few moments later, two pairs of footsteps came into the cellar. They stopped in the middle of the room, then I abruptly heard stomping coming from above us.

"DK, Justin, get your asses up here." A deep voice ordered, and I recognized it as one of the Descouche brothers.

We quickly pushed the crate back and scrambled out of the hole. To my surprise, one of the brothers pushed the crate back into place. "The guards are coming." The other one informed us, giving us an emotionless stare.

Before either of us could react, the door to the cellar busted open, and two guards came in. At first I thought we just got caught trying breaking out, even before we tried to break out, but apparently that wasn't the case.

"Justin Blok." One of them said to me. "You have a visitor."

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