Chapter 12

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I grumpily stomped out of my motel room and made my way towards the small bar on the other side of the building. I was very aware that I had exactly no money whatsoever, but maybe I could charm my way out of paying for my drink. After all, I always did that at regular bars with hot girls working there. I would pay for drinks in the form of steamy make out sessions or sometimes even sex, depending on the girl. This time though, I doubted I would be able to seduce the guy that smelled like mouldy cheese into giving me a drink for free. Still, it was worth a shot. Who knows, I could get lucky.

About five minutes later I made it to the rusty red door that led into a dark musty bar. In all honesty, this place had the shittiest alcohol ever, but it was better than nothing. I was pissed off and I needed to forget everything that happened in the past forty eight hours.

The bar was basically empty, with the bartender in the back where the bar was, and only two other guys sitting at different tables. I was definitely the youngest in here, since the other three men looked to be at least fifty. That was another thing I just realized, I wasn't eighteen, so it was illegal for me to drink. They wouldn't know that though, unless they asked to look at my license, which I didn't have. All my fake IDs were back at my house, or with Riley, who was someone I did not want to think about at the moment.

I sauntered over to the bar and sat down on one of the stools. "Give me anything that will make me forget about all my problems, please." I ordered, giving the bartender a drained look.

"Sure thing." He grunted, turning around and grabbing a bottle out of an ice bath behind him, which had other bottles poking out of it. He popped the lid off of it and slid it over to me. "Two dollars."

Shit, I was kind of hoping I would be able to drink and dash. "Uhhh....I forgot my wallet upstairs. Could I go get it?" I asked, reaching for the drink.

"Sure." The bartender answered, clamping his hand down on the bottle. "But you're leaving this here."

"Come on, man. I've had a rough few days and I need this. My friend has all my money, but could I pay you back later?" I pleaded, starting to get desperate.

"No money now, no drink now." He answered firmly, pulling the bottle closer to him.

"Poppa," A new voice said to my right. I turned my head to look at the person walking up to us, and my heart started to speed up. Standing there in front of me was one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. She had naturally tanned skin with long dark brown hair and warm brown eyes. She also seemed to have an accent when she spoke, so my guess was that she was Latin or something. "let him have the drink. Two dollars less won't kill you."

"This thief is trying to cheat me, angel. I won't let him do that." The bartender declared, scowling at me.

"Not a thief, just a high school boy." The girl reasoned with her harmonic voice.

He stared me down for a moment, and I tried my best to look at him and not his daughter. Finally, he grunted. "Fine." And slid the drink over to me.

He then stormed into another room, leaving his daughter and I alone at the bar. "Thank you." I said to her, giving her my most charming grin. I took a sip of the alcohol, and almost coughed it back up again. It tasted horrible, but I expected that.

"I don't know why you wanted that so bad. It tastes terrible." The girl commented, as if she read my mind.

"I don't want it for how it takes, I just want it to forget about my bullshit life." I admitted, taking another sip and trying not to cringe.

"Do you want to talk about your bullshit life?" She offered.

"No, actually." I answered, smiling slightly. "I want to talk about you, and why you're here in this shitty place."

The girl laughed, then said slowly. "Well, my name is Maria, and I am the niece of the owner of the motel. I'm not living here or anything, I'm just visiting my father's side of the family until summer starts, then I'm going back to Spain to see my mother again."

"So you're not in high school then?" I asked, taking another sip of the foul liquid.

Maria shook her head. "No. I'm twenty. I couldn't afford college so I've been getting part time jobs anywhere I could so I can go to medical school one day."

"Wow, beautiful and smart." I flirted, grinning again.

Maria made an amused noise and looked at the floor, a moment later she looked me in the eyes again and said. "You need to tell me about you now."

I sighed, not wanting to talk about my life, but it was like she had me under her spell, and I couldn't help spilling all my secrets to her. "My name is Justin, and I was in grade twelve, but I decided to become a high school dropout. School isn't really my thing, and all I want is to get the hell out of this town."

"How are you going to do that with no money?" Maria wondered.

"I don't know." I admitted. "It's not like I'm completely broke, it's just that my friend has all my money, and he doesn't trust me with it, and we just got into a fight, and he's not coming back here for a few hours, and I'm probably never going to get my money back anyway because he's apparently so much better than me at basically everything."

After I was done ranting, I focused my attention back on Maria. To my surprise, she leaned forward and kissed me, and a moment later I found myself kissing back. She pulled back after a few seconds and gave me a sly smirk. "I know of something that can make you forget about all your problems, and it tastes so much better than alcohol.

I smirked too, then said. "I would love to know what it is."

In a blur, Maria and I ran out of the of bar, hand in hand and laughing. We made it back to my door and I flung it open. Less than a second later I crashed my lips onto hers and slammed the door behind me. We staggered over to my bed and collapsed onto it, becoming a tangle of limbs. I sat up on her waist so I was straddling her, and ripped my shirt off. She did the same, revealing her black lacy bra. I undid my belt and yanks my pants off, then helped her with her leggings. Once we were both in our underwear I started kissing her neck, while reaching my hands around her back to unclip her bra. She put her arms around the back of my neck and ran her fingers through my hair, which was probably very messy already. Once I got her bra off I reached down to her underwear. Adrenaline coursed through my bloodstream, which made everything around me start to speed up. It felt so good though, mainly just forgetting about everything.

Finally, when we were both sweaty and out of breath, we lay squished together on the small motel bed, which really wasn't meant for sexual intercourse. I didn't care though. At that moment, I didn't care about anything.

"You know, I could ask my father to give you a job. He'll probably say no because he probably hates you, but it's worth a try." Maria offered after a few minutes of just laying there.

I laughed, then said. "Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks."

She smiled at me, but before she could say anything else, the door to the motel room opened. Maria let out an alarmed squeak, then dived under the covers. I did too a moment later, just as the person walked in. I looked at him with guilt, and he looked at me with disgust. Riley. Of course.

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