Chapter 76

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The brothers. As in the Descouche brothers? As in the two arrogant pricks who forced me to kill the closest thing I had to a friend in Juvie? As in the two people who murdered me?! That's when the second half of what Maria just said sinks in. They're looking for something, and now they may have just found it. What are the chances they're talking about me?

"Wait," I say, grabbing Maria's shoulder to stop her frantically moving around. "do they happen to be super huge and tall guys, probably around 6'5, with scarred faces and dark hair?"

She gives me a grim look. "Yes, Justin. They're names are Nick and Shawn. I take it you knew them?"

I snort. "Hell yeah, I knew them. They're the ones who fucking killed me."

"Oh." She mumbles, looking uncomfortable. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine," I say, walking past her. "because now I'm finally going to get revenge on those motherfuckers."

"Oh, no you are not." A new voice snaps, and I am yanked back abruptly by Morgan, who I forgot is still here. "We are hiding somewhere because we totally don't stand a chance."

"Since when do you back down from fights?" I scowl at her.

"I don't. Unless they've already killed the strongest person I know and, and stuff." She finishes awkwardly, and I know what she was about to say, as she briefly glances at Maria.

"She's right." Maria agrees, starting forward. "You two need to hide."

"No. I'm not leaving you." I say firmly, gazing at Maria with tragic eyes, but she looks away.

"Justin, this isn't the same Maria that you fell in love with before." Morgan says softly, starting to lead me away.

"Will you be okay?" I ask this new Maria that isn't my Maria.

"Yes, I'll be fine." She assures me, then walks over to an empty check-in desk to wait for the Descouche brothers.

I nod, but don't say anything as I feel my heart shattering. This is even more painful than never finding her. She's here with me, but she doesn't want to be with me because she doesn't know me anymore. She's completely gone, but still here at the same time. My Maria doesn't exist anymore. It's as simple as that.

"Come on." Morgan says gently, as I look back one last time at the girl I fell in love with, then join the other girl I love in a closet nearby.

She closes the door behind us, and we're instantly consumed by darkness. Instead of saying anything, I look through the crack in the door by the hinges. I can see Maria standing at the desk patiently, and I can't help but think what the Descouche brothers do to her every time they come for a visit.

Finally, there's a noise outside, and the doors to the room open, revealing the two guys responsible for my death. They stroll towards Maria, and it's hard to see from here, but I'm pretty sure they both have smirks on their faces.

"Maria. Nice to see you again." One of them says in a deep rumbling voice.

"Do you have something for us?" The other one asks expectantly.

"Like I've told you before, I've had no patients that match the description of the one you're looking for, and if I ever do come across him, I'll be sure to contact you." She tells them calmly, and I realize she's covering for me, which sends off butterflies in my stomach.

"Give us your medical records." The first brother huffs, and Maria hands him a clipboard. After a moment of silence, he gives the clipboard back to her and mutters something angrily.

"Is there anything else I can help you two with." She asks politely.

"Cut the bullshit, Maria. We've been over this so many times. You know the drill." The second one snaps, and my stomach drops.

"Shawn, I really can't do this right now." She sighs, although she sounds a little nervous.

"That's our deal though, unless you want us to kill everyone here by blowing up the entire building." The other one, who must be Nick, offers slyly.

A heartbeat later, Maria sighs. "Fine. You win."

She steps out from the desk, but Shawn grabs her arm. "That's our girl." He oozes, trailing his other hand from her shoulder all the way down to her very lower back. Nick grabs onto her chin and tilts her face up to his. "You belong to us." He growls in a lustful voice.

A moment later, Maria breaks away from them and walks over to a hospital bed. The brothers follow closely behind, and it isn't until then that I realize how tiny Maria actually is. The brothers are at least a foot taller than her, so the top of her head barely reaches their chests. Whereas with me, I'm only about a head and half a neck taller than her. That's not really the point though, it's the fact that they're huge and intimidating and I have a really bad feeling that they're about to rape her, if I don't intervene.

I start twisting the door handle, but Morgan stops me. "What are you doing?" She hisses at me.

"I'm not going to just stand by and let them fuck her, like they probably have countless times already." I snap back fiercely.

"They will kill you if you go out there." She points out.

"I don't care. Maria is getting sexually assaulted right now, and I need to do something." I declare.

"She is not your girlfriend anymore, Justin. It is not your responsibility to protect her. Right now, the most important thing is to keep you safe. You were given this second chance for a reason, and you're not wasting it on barging out there only to get your neck snapped two seconds in. I promise you though, that we are going to get revenge on them, but you can't help Maria if you're dead, so all you can do right now is wait it out." Morgan reasons, and I have to admit that she has a pretty good point.

If I go out there now, I'll be killed within seconds, and they will just go back to harassing Maria. The best thing I can do right now is stay hidden until I have an advantage over them. I look through the crack in the door again, and immediately wish that I hadn't. Maria is now only in her bra and underwear, and the brothers are touching her all over, and the bottom half of their bodies are exposed as well.

"I can't watch this shit." I mutter, leaning against the wall of the closet and covering my face with my hands.

"Justin." Morgan whispers, and I look down at her.

Before I can react, she wraps her arms around the back of my neck and presses her lips to mine. At first I want to push her away, but then I realize she's doing this to distract me. As much as I don't want to admit the love I have for her, which I shouldn't have in the first place, I let it take over. I kiss her back, then switch positions with her, so that she's now pressed against the wall.

In the distance I hear the squeaking of bed springs, but Morgan covers my ears with her hands moments later. Now all I can think about is her body pressed so close to mine, and our lips colliding with each other so roughly. I may regret this later, but I want Morgan to be mine now.

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