Chapter 45

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"Well shit, we're fucked." I said bluntly, pacing around the cell like a caged tiger.

"Maybe not, if we can untie this rope." Maria suggested, picking her long nails at the tightly tied rope around the bars of the door, keeping the cell locked.

Not to sound cynical or anything, but even if she somehow did manage to untie the rope, we were stuck in the cellar anyway because of the lockdown that was happening outside. Although, what was worse, spending a few months in solitary, or getting maimed by two psychopaths? So maybe getting caught wasn't the worst alternative ever.

Unfortunately, there wasn't going to be an alternative, as I heard the booming voice of one of the Descouche brothers yelling up to us. "You two motherfuckers are dead!" So apparently they realized they couldn't fit into the hole. Wouldn't be the first time.

A moment later, they emerged from the hole, and stormed over to us. One of them ripped the rope off the door, as if it was just wet paper. He flung open the cell door and grabbed DK, dragging him into the middle of the room. The other brother slammed the door again, and tied the rope around it.

"What did you use to make the hole in the pipe?" The brother who had grabbed him demanded, pointing his knife at DK's throat.

"I could get it for you." He answered, but I had a feeling he was just buying time.

"How much of an idiot do you think I am? We're not letting you go anywhere. Now," He brought his knife over to DK's shoulder, and slowly put pressure on it. "what did you use to make the hole." A starburst of red appeared on DK's shirt, and he gritted his teeth in pain.

"Go to hell." DK hissed.

"I will kill you if I have to." Nick/Shawn threatened.

"Then you'll never know the answer." DK pointed out, his face twisting more in pain as the knife went deeper into his flesh, and more blood poured out of his shoulder.

After a moment, Nick/Shawn abruptly ripped the knife out, and DK screamed. "Get the blonde girl." He said to his brother, nodding over at us.

Shawn/Nick once again ripped the rope off and opened the cell door. Maria and I stood in front of Alex, trying to protect her the best we could. "Move or I'll slit your throats right now." He growled.

"You'll have no more leverage if you kill us now." I challenged, glaring up at him.

"I only need the girl." I felt his gaze burning into my soul, and it took all my willpower to keep eye contact with him.

"For now, but what happens once you kill her? You need all of us alive for as long as possible." I reasoned, feeling moderately smart for once. Shawn/Nick stared me down for a solid century and three quarters, before finally shoving me aside and dragging Alex out of the cell. "Hey!" I yelled, starting after him, but Maria caught my arm.

"Don't. He'll kill you." She whispered, sounding terrified.

"He'll kill me anyways." I shot back.

"There's nothing you can do for them anymore, Justin. We have to do what they say or we'll all die." She said, looking at me desperately.

I was going to die one way or another, but Maria didn't know that. It would probably be very scarring for her if she saw me bleeding out right in front of her, so maybe it was a better idea to stay put until I could figure out a way to get her out of here alive.

I turned my attention back to DK and Alex, and saw that one of the brothers was crouching down beside Alex, who was still unconscious. He was holding her up with his knife to her throat. DK was staring at him pleadingly, and I really hoped I wasn't going to be in that position soon.

"Now, what did you use to make that hole?" The brother that was now behind DK asked, holding his knife close to DK's throat.

At first DK stayed silent, but the other brother put pressure on his knife, causing a small stream of red to trickle down Alex's neck. "A blowtorch!" DK suddenly blurted, staring at his girlfriend desperately. "And a hammer. You blowtorch the metal, then hammer it away. It's a slow process though, you'll never get it done in time."

"We'll see about that. Where is it?" Nick/Shawn questioned.

"In the maintenance room down the hall." DK answered quickly.

"I'll go get it." Shawn/Nick offered, making his way towards the stairs.

I had no idea how he was going to make it there and back without being caught, but they got down here somehow, so he would probably be able to do it again. I really hoped he did get caught though, even if we all did. I would rather be stuck here, but know that Maria was safe, than know that I was the reason for her death.

"Can we go now?" DK asked hesitantly.

Nick/Shawn smirked at him, then said. "No." He then pushed DK down onto his knees, still keeping his knife at DK's throat. Nick/Shawn looked back at us, then asked. "Who wants to play Pincushion Man?" 

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