Chapter 74

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*beep* *Beep* *BEEP*

I slowly become fully conscious again, to the point where I'm aware of my body, and I can hear the annoying beeping sound that's coming from somewhere. I peel my eyes open, and at first everything is really blurry, but I can tell that I'm definitely not trapped under a foot of rubble. In fact, I'm in an entirely different building. One that looks much sturdier and less likely to fall over. Although, I'm only in a room of the building, so I have no way to tell if I'm still in danger or not.

I sit up a little, which sends faint starbursts of pain shooting off across my body, but it doesn't hurt nearly as much as I thought it would. I look down, and am not surprised to see that I'm laying in a hospital bed. I'm attached to a monitor that's picking up my heart rate, and I have a few bandages wrapped around my arms, legs, stomach and even head. I take it that I fell pretty hard.

What's absolutely insane to me is how the hell I survived. I fell off a ten-ish story building onto another building that was also burning to the ground. I should so be dead right now, but I'm not. How is that possible?!

"Justin!" Someone calls my name, and I turn to see a ginger haired girl who basically pounces on me a moment later.

"Hey, Morgan." I cough, hugging her back. "Nice to see you awake. I thought you were in a coma or something."

"I was, actually." She confirms, getting off me and sitting in a chair beside my bed. "It only lasted forty eight hours though. You, on the other hand, have been out for three days."

"Oh, not bad." I raise my eyebrows in surprise. "I half expected to wake up as an eighty year old man. That would have sucked, but aging three days isn't half bad."

Morgan laughs. "I'm glad you still have your dry sense of humour."

"I'm just glad we're both here." I admit. "How did we survive that? And how were we found? Where even are we?"

"We're in a hospital a safe distance away from the city. There was a rescue patrol sent out to find any survivors, of which there weren't many. Honestly, I don't know how we survived. It was like a miracle." She answers.

"There seems to be a lot of that going around." I mutter, although I still feel pretty grateful that I'm still here.

"Also," Morgan sighs. "I'm really sorry about what I did earlier. I never should have thrown you out like that."

"Morgan, please don't apologize." I plead. "You had every right to do what you did, and I don't blame you. Yes, what we did was a mistake, but I never should have took it out on you. I'm sorry too, and the only way I could think to make it up to you was by saving you."

"How did you know where I was?" She asks, tilting her head.

"A vision I had of you." I answer simply. "Why were you even there in the first place?"

"It was a shortcut back to my village. I wanted to get there as soon as possible, so I decided to go through the city, since I knew some people there. It was safe at the time, and I was even contemplating staying there for a few days, but then the explosions started happening. It was really weird, Justin. It was as if I was in a time loop, because my parents were in the exact same situation when they were my age. In fact, I think I saw them. I know that sounds insane, but I think I saw them and their friends as teenagers." She tells me, with wonder in her eyes.

"Well, nothing seems impossible anymore. It could have happened, since I came here in probably the same way. It makes no sense to me, but I think you can somehow fall into a different dimension or different timeline sometimes." I say, giving her a thoughtful look.

"Okay, well, I'm blaming it on you, because ever since you came here a whole lot of weird shit has started happening." She declares.

"Alright, fair enough." I laugh.

A thought strikes me a moment later, and I ask. "Have you seen a blonde girl here? Her name is Alex, and she might be looking for me."

"Yeah, actually, I have. She's in the waiting room, but there's someone I want you to meet first." Morgan tells me, glancing behind her. "Wait here."

"Right, because I was planning on going to Mars while I'm strapped down to this bed." I respond sarcastically, as she gets up and walks away.

I wonder who exactly she wants me to meet. Maybe her parents? Maybe someone else of great significance? Maybe someone from my past life? A few ideas flash through my mind, but I push them away so I'm not disappointed with the outcome.

A few minutes later Morgan comes back, with a half smile on her face. "Do try to not lose your shit." She tells me, then steps aside to let the other person into my vision.

I'm pretty sure my heart just stopped, as I stare at the person standing in front of me. I thought I would never see her again, but here she is in a white doctors coat, looking as beautiful since the last time I saw her.

"Maria." I breathe.

She gives me a faint smile. "Hello, Justin. It's nice to see you."

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