Chapter 47

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I stared down at DK's body, which was still pouring out blood. I felt more confused than scared or guilty though. I thought the nosebleeds would have stopped by now. Maybe they have, and this was just DK's blood trickling down my face. Yes, that made more sense. It was DK's blood, not mine. I was totally okay.

I glared up at Nick/Shawn. "Happy now?" I demanded.

"Satisfied." He answered, smirking his stupid smirk at me.

"Great. Let Alex go then." I ordered.

"Wouldn't you want her to see your wonderful work?" He offered, his gaze flickering over to the unconscious girl.

"The fuck?! No! That's her boyfriend I just killed." I shouted, feeling horrified.

Our argument was interrupted by the sound of the door from the staircase opening. We both looked up simultaneously to see Shawn/Nick thumping his way down the stairs. With him he had the blowtorch, hammer, and a bucket that seemed to be filled with water. How the actual living flying hell he managed to get water was beyond me, but I was guessing it was to wake Alex up. Apparently the brothers had a telepathic connection too.

"I figured I should get some water to wake the sleeping beau- what the fuck happened down here?" Shawn/Nick cut himself off as he took in the scene in front of him. This truly did look like a set from a horror movie. "I left you alone for ten minutes and you already butchered someone."

He didn't look terribly upset, in fact it looked like he was trying not to laugh. "We decided to have some fun while we waited for you to come back. I guess it went a little too far." Nick/Shawn informed his brother regretfully, although he didn't look very regretful at all.

"We made a deal though." I broke into the conversation, and both brothers glared daggers at me. "You have to let Alex go now. That's what we agreed on."

"Fine." Nick/Shawn sighed. "But she needs to be conscious to leave."

He started towards the bucket in his brother's hand, took it, then without any hesitation whatsoever, threw the water all over Alex. Maria jumped backwards into the cell with a squeak of alarm. I decided to crouch in front of Alex, to hopefully shield her from the horrific sight behind me.

Alex suddenly lurched up and started to cough. Finally, once she had her breathing under control, she squinted at me. "What's going on? What happened? Where's Drew?" She demanded in a raspy voice.

"We don't have time for that right now. You need to leave through the tunnel." I told her, helping her up and guiding her towards the crate that the hole was under.

"No. I need to get Drew. Where's my boyfriend, Justin?" She demanded.

I gave her a pained look, not knowing how to answer that question. Apparently I didn't need to though, as footsteps from outside started to approach the cellar door.

"Everyone, in the hole now." Shawn/Nick ordered, storming towards us.

I shoved the crate aside, then herded Alex down the hole. "Go, now." I told her, pointing down the tunnel.

She hesitated for a moment, then to my relief, crawled down the tunnel and disappeared into the shadows. I was half tempted to follow her, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

"Don't even think about it, Justin." One of the brothers threatened.

I heard the cellar door burst open a moment later, and several pairs of footsteps entered the room. The crate was back over the hole, so we were immersed in pure darkness. I then remembered that DK's body was still up there, and the guards probably found it by now.

"Holy shit!" One of them yelled, which confirmed my theory.

"They were definitely here." Another commented.

"Find them. Check every other room attached to this one. They couldn't have gone far." A more commanding sounding voice ordered.

"What about the body?" Someone else asked.

"We'll come back for it later. Right now we need to focus our attention on the fugitives." The commanding voice answered, then the footsteps dispersed in all different directions.

We waited in silence until the brothers were sure that we were alone again. From what I could tell, Maria was at the front, and one brother was moving behind me, so I was no longer at the back.

"Move." The one behind me growled, and I followed Maria and the other brother out of the hole.

DK was still laying on the ground, with a growing red puddle around him. The shock of what I did finally started to wear off, and now guilt was setting in. I did that to him. I really was a murderer now, since I killed him on purpose. It was my fault. Every time it's my fault, and it's probably going to stay that way forever.

Shawn/Nick scraped the crate over the hole again, and Nick/Shawn stood in front of us with his arms crossed. "Now, what are we going to do with you two?" He wondered.

His eyes briefly landed on me, then slowly turned to Maria. A grin grew on his face as he studied her entire body, his gaze lingering on her bare skin. I suddenly had an absolutely horrible idea of what he was planning on doing to her.

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