Chapter 8

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I ran down the halls and up the stairs as fast as I could. I needed to make it back to my classroom before the bell rang, but that would be very difficult because it took around ten minutes to get down to the principal's office because my class was on the top floor farthest from the offices, which were on the bottom floor. So I had less than ten minutes to run up five flights of stairs and make it across the entire fifth floor before I was back in my class.

This was only step one of my plan, and if I couldn't go through with it the entire rest of my plan was completely shattered. I could potentially think of a contingency plan, but it wouldn't be nearly as good. This was the best shot I had at staying overnight at this stupid school, which is something that I never thought I would be doing.

Finally, I bounded up the last flight of stairs and skidded onto the fifth floor. My lungs were burning and I felt like I was about to collapse, but I had to keep moving. I raced down the long hallway to my left, then took another left, then continued down that hallway for probably a solid minute, then finally took a right down the hallway where my classroom was. I could see it in the distance, and I picked up my speed. I was so close, just a few more seconds.

As I was about to pass a door that was two doors down from my classroom, it abruptly opened and I slammed my shoulder into the side of it. The impact knocked me backwards and I landed on the same shoulder. Pain jolted through my body, but it didn't stop me. I pushed myself back up, even though it made my shoulder hurt even more, gave the girl who opened the door and was now standing there staring at me a scowl, then continued running.

I skidded to a stop right at the threshold of the classroom, then casually walked in. Although a few people gave me weird looks. I sat down at my seat and looked up at the clock. To my surprise, I had an entire minute to spare.

"Dude, what happened?" Riley hissed at me, looking between me and the clock.

"Charles wanted to scold me about the science incident, but I got out of there as soon as I could." I explained, although not very well because I was extremely out of breath. The pain in my shoulder was also starting to grow, so I clasped my left hand on it, although it wouldn't do jackshit. "Fuck...." I breathed, slowly lowering my head onto my desk.

"What's wrong with your shoulder?" Riley asked, but I didn't look up at him. I just closed my eyes and tried to steady my breathing.

I didn't have time to explain anyway, as the bell went off and everyone dispersed from the classroom. I immediately sprung up from my chair, even though my limbs screamed at me in protest. I started walking with the rest of the class, with Riley close behind me. We walked to the other side of the classroom, where one wall was made up of a bunch of different closets and cupboards. I glanced over at my teacher, who was busy packing up all of her stuff, like usual. Riley and I were behind everyone else, so no one noticed when I quietly opened one of the closets and slipped inside. Riley squished himself in beside me, then closed the door.

Luckily there wasn't much in here, besides a few shelves with stacks of paper on them, but they were a few inches above us, so we were able to fit into this small space, since we were both fairly skinny.

"I can't believe we're doing this." Riley whispered, although it was pitch black in here, so I couldn't see him.

"Well, I'm the one who has to stay overnight, you're just helping me." I corrected. A moment later, I added. "Also, some ditsy idiot girl slammed a door into my shoulder. That's why it hurts."

"Will you still be okay to go through with this?" Riley asked, sounding concerned.

"Of course." I snapped. "It's not like I lost my arm or something." Although, I did feel a little uncertain now.

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