Chapter 87

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I'm drifting in darkness, feeling at peace for the first time since I went into that weird coma. Honestly, I wouldn't mind staying like this forever, being unaware of my surroundings with no problems or worries at all. That is all I want, to be left alone in my own little world of tranquilli-


I jolt upright in my bed, trying frantically to remember what I was just doing that could have caused yet another explosion. Blowing up Riley? Being in a building with Morgan that's being bombed? Crashing a helicopter down on top of Maria? Or maybe it's just a simple thunderstorm happening outside. I look out the window in the bedroom I'm in, and see that, in fact, there's a storm happening right now. Rain is pouring down in harsh sheets, and thunder is rumbling through the sky, with lightning occasionally illuminating the trees around us.

So, no, I wasn't responsible for mass destruction this time. That's a relief. Although, I am responsible for the girl sleeping peacefully beside me to be completely naked. That would be totally acceptable if it were Morgan sleeping beside me, but instead it is Maria, the girl that I can't seem to get over no matter what, even though I already have a girlfriend. Sort of.

Speak of the devil, however. Downstairs, I hear the front door opening and slamming shut. That's when I remember Morgan and Jasper were going outside somewhere, and now they must be back. They're talking, or more so arguing, with several different people it sounds like. After a few minutes of sitting here like a total moron and eavesdropping on their conversation I can't even hear, I finally realize someone is coming up the stairs.

Panic shoots through me as I scramble out of the bed and rush to at least put my underwear on. "Maria!" I hiss, although not too loudly, because I don't want anyone to know she's in here. "Maria, wake up."

Luckily, she starts to stir in her sleep, then finally raises her head to look at me with sleepy eyes. "What's going on, Justin?" She asks hazily.

"We need to hide you." I explain frantically, but at least I have my pants on by now.

"Why? Why going on?" She demands, now sitting all the way up.

"No time to explain." I snap, glancing at the door behind me, and hearing soft footsteps coming towards it. "Uhhh....under the bed!"

I point at the five inch crack between the bed and the floor, and to my relief, Maria obeys and slides underneath the bed. I hop back on the mattress, and fling the blanket over myself again. I lay sprawled out, pretending to sleep, until the door opens and I slowly raise my head, looking at Morgan, who just came in.

"Hey." She says quietly, pacing towards me.

"Hey." I respond, sitting up casually.

She sits down on the bed beside me, then lets out a sigh. "Look, I'm really sorry about before. You're right, I shouldn't be so intrusive. You just seem a little off lately, that's all."

"No, I'm the one being a total prick, you're just trying to help me. I guess I'm just anxious to get to your village." I lie, because that is totally not the reason why I'm being distant with Morgan. And that reason just so happens to be under my bed listening in on our entire conversation.

"Yeah, about that." Morgan says slowly, in a 'something really bad just happened and I'm severely pissed off but I'm trying not to show it' kind of way. "We had to hide out from the bulk of the storm, but once it started lightening up, we went back over to the boat....and it's completely destroyed. I'm going to try to rebuild it, but that could take up to a month to do." She explains, looking guilty but extremely angry too.

The only thing that could make her mood worse is finding out that Maria and I just had sex and she's currently hiding about three feet underneath her. I just really hope she doesn't find a reason to look under the bed, otherwise all hell will break loose.

"Uh, well, that's okay I guess. You don't need to be all worried and apologetic to me though, I honestly don't really care about the boat." I say honestly.

"I know, but I also just wanted to apologize for fighting with you. I don't like fighting, and if we're going to be together, we need to get along. I still love you though, no matter what." She tells me sweetly, and I feel guilt and shame burning along my skin.

"I love you too." I respond, smiling in a way that I hope doesn't seem too forced.

Morgan pulls me into a kiss, and I kiss back, but now it just seems hollow and uncomfortable. When we pull back, she says, "I'm going downstairs again for a bit to sort things out with Jasper and Jamie, but I'll be back soon, okay?"

"Yeah, okay." I nod, then watch as she gets up and leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

A moment later, Maria emerges from under the bed, and she looks absolutely pissed. "Que demonios? Estas enganando? Estas con ella mientras duermes conmigo? Que te pasa?!" She yells at me, standing directly in front of me, but I don't understand a word she just said, because apparently she starts speaking Spanish when she's really angry.

"Wha?" I gawk at her once she's finished, giving her an obliviously stupid look.

Apparently that wasn't the right thing to do, as a moment later she slaps me hard across my face, then storms out of the room as well. So, that went well.

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