Chapter 88

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I stare at myself in the bathroom mirror, examining my face. One side is totally fine, but the other side where Maria slapped me is bright red. There's even a small, shallow cut under my eye. Holy shit, she hit me hard. I deserved it though. I totally one hundred percent deserve to get hurt. At this point, death for a second time would be a mercy, but I'm not worthy of death. I'm not worthy of anything, except for eternal mortal torture.

Finally, I decide to leave the bathroom and attempt to apologize to Maria, but she might hit me again before I can get the words 'I'm sorry' out of my mouth. Still, it's worth a try, even if I walk out with a black eye or something.

As I open the door to go back into the hallway, I come face to face with Jasper, who is leaning against the opposite wall that faces the bathroom door. At least, I think it's Jasper, until I take a closer look and realize it's Jamie, or maybe James now, since he cut his hair like I suggested.

"What do you think?" He asks awkwardly, waving at his messy, now short boyish hair.

"Uhhh....I think you look more like James." I answer, although he still has a fairly feminine face.

"Good. I've decided I want to be James. Even if I am stuck in a girl's body." He says confidently, and a thought suddenly strikes me.

"Wait, do you want my body?" I offer, taking a step towards him.

James looks at me as if I just cut out my tongue and offered it to him on a plate. "What?" He asks, blinking at me with wide eyes.

"Look, I just fucked up really badly, and I don't want to do this anymore. You can kill me and take my body if you want. I'm pretty hot, so you should be able to get girls fairly easily." I boast, letting my arrogant side show through a little bit.

James stares at me for a moment in bewilderment, then finally shakes his head. "No. I'm not going to do that. If I happen to stumble across a body that's similar to my old one, then I'll take it, but I'm not going to kill you to get what I want."

"Fine, whatever. Am I really that different though?" I wonder curiously.

"Well, I had black hair, not dark brown. Blue eyes, not brown. A slightly paler skin tone, and I was 5'10, not six foot, or however tall you are. Although, I always wished that I was taller, so if you want to swap heights, then I'm good with that." He describes, and now I can see why he doesn't want my body, because he looks more like the original as this female body, than he would in my male body.

"No way," I laugh. "my six foot awesomeness is part of the reason why I got so many girls in my past life. It's the perfect height for a guy."

"Yeah? Well did you get slapped a lot in your past life?" He questions, and I suddenly feel very self conscious of the red mark plastered onto my face.

" actually, this was just from a fight I had with Maria." I answer awkwardly, now having trouble meeting his gaze.

"You seem to be having a lot of trouble with Maria and Morgan. I take it neither of them know you're fucking both of them?" He asks with all knowing raised eyebrows.

"What makes you think that." I demand, narrowing my eyes at him.

"The fact that both those girls keep disappearing in and out of your room. Half the time I hear moans, while the other half I hear shouting. These walls are paper thin, Justin. Anyone can pick up on what you're doing." He warns me.

"Yeah, or maybe you're just a pervert." I declare, scowling at him.

"No, I'm just observant, and you're really lucky that those two girls haven't caught on yet. Although, I think Maria might have." He smirks at me in amusement, then glances back at one of the doors behind him.

"So what am I supposed to do then? I'm completely lost, man." I admit, feeling miserable.

"You have to choose. Maria or Morgan. You can't keep playing this game." He suggests, and I know he's right.

Who do I choose? I love both of them very much, but Maria was my first love. I can't let her go, especially since I saved her and brought my Maria back. With Morgan, she's the new one, and the other Morgan is still family. So there's two of them; lover Morgan and cousin Morgan. With Maria, there's just one. I let the new Maria die, and the Maria from my past life came back. She has all our memories together, and she's exactly the same as how I remembered her. After our sex session a few hours ago, I felt that nostalgic pleasure come rushing back into me, and I fell in love with her all over again. I don't think I can love Morgan the same way after that. I think no matter what, my heart belongs to Maria.

"Okay," I finally say, nodding. "I'll go tell her."

I rush past James, then go down the stairs. My plan is to break the news to Morgan first, then probably get slapped again, then go back to Maria and tell her I've broken things off with Morgan, and hopefully she will take me back.

I make it down to ground level, and am about to search for Morgan, but I realize I don't need to, as I see her and Jasper standing on the front porch staring at something beyond them.

I walk up beside Morgan to see what they're looking at, and my blood instantly turns to ice. Standing a few feet away from the porch is Alex, but she has a knife pressed to her throat, and the person standing behind her holding the knife, is none other than one half of the Descouche brothers. How the hell he survived that explosion, I have no idea, but here he is in the mildly burnt flesh. He doesn't look as terrifying as Riley did when he died, but he certainly has a good amount of third degree burns all over his body.

"Finally," He hisses in a chilling scorched voice. "it's been a while since Juvie. Nice to see you again, Justin."

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