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An average man withholding a big dream, a dream that is filled with adventures and sword fighting warriors, dark magic that is being controlled by wizards, and all creatures are fighting in the great war of the Land and the Sea—

At least, that's what Casper Goodman wishes for as he reads the book in hand.

As the son of two farmers, twenty-three-year-old Casper strives to achieve his main goal in life: leaving his parents' house and exploring the world.

But if there is one thing Casper is afraid of, it is the unknown. Filled with insecurities and fears, he wishes for a miracle to happen, for something— or someone— that can force him out of his cosy room and into the horizon.

Prayers are a funny thing when they are answered at face value, aren't they?


The book cover is by PurpleCatCritters  omg thank you so much for taking the time!!❤️❤️❤️ Check her out whenever you have the chance, guys!

Yes, this is the second book after Hades.

No, this book does not continue where we left off in Hades.

Yes, you can definitely read this as a stand-alone, but those who read Hades would get more excited when the big chapter happens (is where we left off in Hades !!! Big spoiler alert!!!).

No, Hades and Jane are not the main characters. <— don't concern yourselves, ftr😚

Yes, this story will get a trigger warning later on which means that there's a slightly darker theme.

No, you are definitely not wasting your time reading this🤭

Yes, you can skip this long ass intro and read the damn story.

G O O D  L U C K

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