Little Bird

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Kind of a long chapter so get some snacks first.😂


He tumbled a step back, his jaw hitting the floor. How had he been so flabbergasted not to know who his was?
Jungkook had turned to the voice who had spoken, another boy making his way over, his hair a bright blond-gold, broad shouldered, and a backpack lazily thrown over his left side. There was a bounce to his step as he came to where they stood like he had all the ease and confidence in the world.
"It's nothing, Jin."

Shit. It really was them...
Jeon Jungkook.

There were people like Jimin.
People who no one really talked about, kept to themselves and would vanish from the memories of others the moment they were out of sight- if they had ever been there in the first place.
Then there were the people who stood out a little. Who were funny, entertaining and you befriended because they were fun to spend time with. People you would think back to once every couple of years and think: oh yea... I think I remember them. Maybe even share a drink with to catch up on old times.

And there were people like Jeon Jungkook and his friends.
The people you wanted to be. The people who filled you with envy and jealousy because they showed you everything you didn't have. People you would think of every day and just feel so stupidly, ridiculously insignificant. People everybody talked about, even those who barley talked at all, just because they were them.

They were funny. They were rich. They were talented, all in their own way and got what they wanted with the snap of a finger.
They were as close as brothers and spend most of their free time together and you always saw them laughing when they were in a group- always fooling around and having the time of their life.
They didn't seem to have a care in the world, and in return cared little about what others thought of them and yet people would do anything to get in their good favor.
But most annoyingly of all, they were also really nice people you couldn't hate. They didn't bully or rioted. They didn't get shitfaced just to beat someone up and they always talked to others with respect and were nothing but polite and friendly.
At least most of the time...

Jungkook snapped back around to Jimin, his expression still a mixture of angry and worried.
Knowing who he was now, it only confused him more. Jimin was no one. Jungkook should not be concerned about someone like him. Could anyone possibly be that nice and care about a stranger so intensely?
" I was just telling Jimin here that that he better watch out the next time he crosses a street."

His chin dropped all the way to the floor.
He hadn't imagined it.
The Jeon Jungkook knew his name.

"Why did something happen? You okay Jimin?" Jin immediately inquired also looking slightly concerned now.
And Jimin just stood there like a mute, unable to even utter a single word. Jin knew him too?

But then the how just happened to walk out of the main building of the Uni, smiling as brightly as ever.
Of course... how could he have forgotten that Hoseok was one of them?
It still did not explain why Hoseok would mention him in front of his friends though.

"Hey guys. Oh-" he stopped a little too abruptly as he took in the situation:
Jin and Jungkook's frowns, the latter's bruised arms and slightly tousled hair and not to forget him: a bright red mute who just nearly turned himself into a road-kill!
Maybe Jungkook should have just let him get hit- it would have been less horrific than being the center of attention of THE most poplar group in the entire school, gaping at them like a fish on dry land- a very red fish!

And it was about to get worse.
Three more people exited the building, laughing and smiling broadly as they descended the stairs.
He definitely preferred getting hit by a car.

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