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Little warning: 

Oh, and also, sorry not sorry

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Oh, and also, sorry not sorry. 


There had been countless times he'd spent with his brother and Seong-Min, thinking that he was truly, utterly happy. Where he believed nothing could ever make him feel so joyful and safe.

Now, sitting amongst the other's in front of the bonfire they made, he knew how wrong he was.

They didn't want him to watch and be silent. They wanted him in their middle. To tease, to joke, to get up and dance wildly to the beat of the music and just be himself.
He'd truly been blinded by love and adoration to think he'd been the lucky one sitting on the sidelines and watching the two people he loved have fun.
They never loved him.
If they had, they would have done what the golden group was doing for him. No...not doing for him. Simply did it because they wanted to. They wanted Jimin to laugh and have fun and be happy.

This afternoon had been the most fun he ever had. They'd cooked a small lunch, which almost ended in ended in food fight because Jin insisted or Jungkook to do the cleaning up because apparently, it was a deserved punishment for never cooking for them when he had for Jimin. And boy, did the youngest take that personally...
They played volleyball and badminton, listened to music, went swimming in the little lake and their laughter had been unstoppable. They teased as much as they made up with loving words. They fooled around and joked until Jimin lay on the floor laughing, holding his stomach.
He'd never felt more alive and he finally belonged somewhere. This was where he belonged. Between Namjoon, Tae, Jin, Yoongi and Hoseok and Jungkook always by his side, like he was a satellite and Jimin his earth.

He was lying in his arms now, Jungkook popped up on a lounger and Jimin between his legs, his back lying on his strong chest and his head resting in the place between his shoulder and neck.
The younger was letting his hands run up and down his arms in sweet, comforting strokes while they talked and drank, simply enjoying the peace of the evening. 

He couldn't think of a situation where he'd feel more comfortable, his stomach full from the barbecue they had, lying in Jungkook's arms as they talked softly to the others, none of them surprised anymore about their intimate behavior, simply happy to see them together. 

Maybe it was all of those things combined which made him clear his throat and say: "Guys... there is something I want to tell you."
He felt Jungkook tense beneath him, the strokes on his arms stopping as the others turned their gazes on Jimin. 
"What is it, ChimChim?" Tae asked while chewing on some crackers. 

"It's... about why it was so hard for me to open up to you guys."
"Jimin," Jungkook breathed, sounding worried. "You don't have to."
He turned his head up to him and gifted him a little smile. 
"I know. But I want to." 

Dance For Me ※ Jikook Fanfiction ※ 18+Where stories live. Discover now