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"Where is Jungkook?"

Jimin couldn't believe those were the first words to leave his lips after he saw Taehyung and Jin wait for him in the parking lot. 

Jungkook had picked him up this morning, just like he had yesterday and then taken him home too. Other than that, Jungkook had kept his promise and given him space, even dropped his demand to drive him to work and back. It hadn't really helped. All night he had tossed and turned in his sleep, unable to forget that moment in the practice room. Unable to forget the way it had felt to be touched and kissed or the way he had looked at him. Unable to stop the fear and insecurity either. He was a mess. 
One big, fat mess!
Jungkook had acted like nothing ever happened between them and not mentioned it either. And the worst thing about that was that it confused him even more. 

Both Jin and Taehyung shot him a knowing grin and he turned red, remembering Jungkook's remark about others already being aware. 
"He's sitting this one out," came a voice from behind him and Namjoon was beside him the next moment, throwing an arm around Jimin. He froze, unused to being touched or hugged by others. 

Namjoon let him go quickly as if noticing his unease, but a grin was still on his face. 
Taehyung spoke next, showing off his boxy smile. 
"We decided you needed some Jungkook-free time and spend some time with us instead. Just us." 

"A-and Jungkook a-agreed to that?"

There was a round of chuckles and the Jin said: "Hardly. And only after whining like a three year old whose toy was taken away. We had to threaten to physically restrain him if he didn't agree. I bet he's at home sulking right now." 

For some reason the thought of a sulking Jungkook brought a smile to his lips. 
"And it seems like it was the right choice to leave our troublesome maknae at home today," Namjoon added, then went over to the car and opened the door, smiling at Jimin. 

"Get in. We're kidnapping you."

Jimin gaped for a moment longer and then, seeing no other choice, he got in. 

Jin drove, Namjoon on the passengers seat and Taehyung sat next to him. He'd never met a boy who talked more excitedly as he listened to him rattle on about his day, his current role in a small drama and the model film he was about to shoot. Jimin was not the least bit surprised. Taehyung really was gorgeous. 

Despite this unexpected change of events, he felt himself relax, the atmosphere light and care-free, the wind from the open car windows ruffling his hair and the boys singing along to the music from the car radio.

He quickly called Misses Yang, apologizing for not being able to make it today. She didn't sound the least bit surprised and told him she'd already ordered some pizza. She had felt in in her bones that Jimin would be busy. He suppressed a sigh. Of course Jungkook had told her. He'd probably planned to kidnap Jimin all by himself before this Hyungs had overruled his plans. The two of them were like a couple ganging up on him. In a sing sang she called out: "Have fun little cupcake!" and then hung op on him. 

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