Don't Go

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I wrote this while my annoying, little sis was distracting me!! 

Jokes, she's my biggest support and reads all my stories like they are sweet cookies. And she really, really likes cookies! 


He sighed as he turned a little closer to that heat wrapped around him. It felt both soft and hard at once but he'd never felt more content and relaxed, snuggling his head into that amazing pillow.

Something incredibly soft landed on his cheeks, stroking over it and almost lulling him back into deep sleep. But a flicker of confusion shot through him. Since when did his blanket move? And how could it be so warm when it was usually cold in his little attic-flat? 

Slowly his eyes flutter open. His attic was drenched in soft light, shining in from that little high-up window and he couldn't remember the last time he'd woken without hearing the shrill alarm of his nightstand clock. He must have forgotten to set it. But why...

He found the why staring back at him and his lips parted while sucking in a startled breath. Jungkook was looking at him. 
Jungkook was here. 
Jungkook's body was the warmth he had felt. 

The boy had gotten one arm under his head and Jimin must have used it as a pillow, resting his head on the place where his arm met his shoulders. His other arm lay on his waist, keeping him close. As if he had to! Jimin lay on his side, turned towards him with one leg draped over Jungkook's thighs and his entire upper body laying half on top of the younger. 

The memories of last nigh came flooding back. 
Dinner with the boys, laughing, Min-Woo getting along with them brilliantly, driving home in laughter and smiles. Then Jungkook in his room, drunk and sad and crying. Jimin hugging him closely while the other confessed about the two years he'd spent watching him. And Jimin making a decision to try and open his heart for someone new. Trying to trust and talk about his past. 

"Morning," Jungkook breathed, his head lying on a real pillow, his hair wonderfully messy and falling all around him while he smiled at Jimin. And Jimin had never been caught by his beauty more. It was ethereal. The hazy eyes from sleep, the sweet, happy smile, the toussled hair and the light falling on him in soft ripples. 
"Morning," Jimin found himself whisper back, his voice still rough from sleep. 

The hand on his waist lifted and a dreamy, lost expression glazed over Jungkook's features as he reached out and caressed his cheek and his jawline, Jimin recognizing the same touch that had woken him so lovingly. He tugged back the stands of white hair from his forehead, his lips parting as if he was surprised. 

"God, you're so beautiful," he whispered in wonder and the sound filled his heart, threatening to burst it, his eyes probably huge and wide as he stared back at Jungkook. 

Jungkook closed his eyes for a long second, let out a heavy breath and when he opened them again, a sadness had replaced the serenity. He pulled back his hand, dropping it helplessly at his side. His heart suddenly squeezed together. 
"I... I'm sorry Jimin. I'm sorry I got drunk and came over."

Jimin only lay there, not sure how to answer that. How to deal with such a defeated, sad Jungkook, so he asked the first thing that shot into his mind. 
"Do...d-do you remember last night?"

Jungkook closed his eyes again and nodded, then opened them but didn't look into his eyes again, like he couldn't bear it, staring down at his chest. 
"I do. I wish I wouldn't though. That way I could still pretend you don't know how long I've been a coward. And a creep. I understand-" he swallowed hard. "I understand if you don't want to see me again. If you're freaked out... I get it."

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