The Boy in the Purple Shirt

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Like I mentioned earlier... one roller-coaster of emotions.... 


The diner filled a little as the evening progressed, but every time Jimin made a move to stand to help Min-Woo, the other boy shot him a dark, threatening look that had Jimin sit down again. It almost felt like he really was on an evening out with friends. They ordered some more food, messed around, were loud and didn't care whether it bothered the other customers.
They played several games too, from word games, to drinking games (Jimin and Yoongi keeping to the harmless stuff) to ridiculous games like Cham Cham Cham and Muk Jji Ppa. Several times he found himself almost falling out his chair from laughing so hard and he could have sworn each time, Min-Woo's eyes had widened, like he never thought Jimin could enjoy himself so much. 

Half an hour before the diner closed, Jimin insisted on at least helping with the cleaning up. Min-Woo refused. And then Jimin chided him so loudly, the other boy seemed to shrink in on himself. 
That was until Jimin had finished his reprimanding, chest heaving and glowering and him.
Min-Woo whistled low under his breath and then winked at Jimin. "Well, well, look who finally grew a pair!" he only said, then bowed low and gestured to the kitchen door in a wide swing. 
"After you, my lord!" 

The boys, who had been watching the exchange laughed while Jimin rolled his eyes and while walking away he shouted: "You're ridiculous!"

He finished in record time, the kitchen blinking  spot-clean as he left for the dining room again. Min-Woo was talking with the boys again and when they said their goodbyes, the boy ruffled his hair one last time and told him to sleep well. 

He left the diner with a massive smile which didn't drop while Yoongi drove them back to his house. 
They sang along loudly and Jimin had to hold his ears shut when Namjoon joined in in, trying to hit the high notes, but sounding like a dying animal. He really was terrible at singing! But when a rap song came on, Jimin was gaping, then cheering him on as he spit syllable after syllable perfectly. Who knew Namjoon had such a savage side?

When they arrived, they insisted to bring him to the door which Jimin found silly but he still smiled warmly at seeing them care so much. 

He was just about to insert the key, thinking of inviting them upstairs, knowing none of them would judge him for how run down it was, when the door swung inward. 

"Oh," Jimin let out, staring at Misses Yang in her nightgown. 
She looked at him. And then slowly lifted her eyes to the five boys behind him. 
All of them smiled, bowed and almost simultaneously let out: "Hello Misses Yang!"

"Oh... Oh my!" the old woman exclaimed, a hand landing over her heart like she was having a heart attack and she leaned into the doorframe like a swooning woman again. He rolled his eyes. 
"I'm in heaven. Jimin! You want me to die, don't you? How could you not warn me you were bringing all of he F-squat with you! They are absolutely gorgeous! Have you come to take me to your castles my sweet, handsome princes?"

Jimin groaned while the other's chuckled. Tae had loudly and in great extend told the other's about his little abbreviation, leading to more laughter and Jimin didn't even mind that it was on his extent. 
"You live only to embarrass me, don't you?" 
"Well, even an old lady like me needs her hobbies." 

Jimin shook his head but smiled softly. He did adore that woman, ridiculous and dramatic and all that. 
"What are you doing up so late anyway?" he then asked. She was usually asleep by the time he returned from his shifts.
Her smiled fell a little and worry spread in his heart when he saw her swallow uncertainly. Misses Yang was many things, but never uncertain. 

"Well," she started and glanced from the boys to Jimin, then let out a little sigh and continued in a low, cautious voice: "Jungkook is here."
The boys sucked in a startled gasp while everything inside Jimin froze. 
Jungkook's name echoed through his head like a pebble stone hitting a cave wall. 

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