The Things You Didn't Do

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"Guys!" Jimin groaned, skipping his eyes between the two of them. "No fighting!"

He had walked into the diner, Jungkook on his heels and already known it would not end well when he'd seen Min-Woo wait for them at the counter, leaning on the surface with one hand and the other in his hips. Sass in person. 
And of course the two of them had not wasted a second before falling into their staring contest once more. 

"Whose fighting? Are we fighting Jungkook?"
Min-Woo shot him a dark grin which Jungkook's returned, maybe even a little darker. 
"No. Why would we? Totally no reason to." 
Jimin wanted to take one of the large frying pans from the kitchen and smack it over both their heads. They were being ridiculous. 

"Okay. I gotta get dressed and get ready. You, Jungkook, have three majors to study for and Min-Woo....just find something to do."

Neither of them so much as looked at him. 
"I suppose I have you to thank that my little, sweet angel Jimin is turning into a nagging little brat, don't I?"
It was official. Min-Woo had a death wish to call him that in front of Jungkook. And really? A nagging brat? Min-Woo could do so much better than that! 

But Jungkook only smiled more widely, then scanned the room. 
Jimin, confused, turned around to see what the was looking for. But the diner was empty, not a single customer to be seen yet. 
He turned around to ask what Jungkook was searching for but never even got the chance to speak. 
Jungkook had stepped forward, leaned down and pulled him close by his waist. 
And then kissed him. 
Right in front of Min-Woo, who let out a choking sound. Jimin barely heard it, too caught up in the feeling of Jungkook's kiss which was not quick or soft at all. He invaded his mouth, using his small gasp to kiss him harder, pulling him tight against the hard planes of his body with an arm around his back. And to top it of, he nipped at his lower lip before finally drawing away, a smug smile on his face while Jimin could only gape at him. 

 He turned to Min-Woo, the smugness now mixed with a dark, warning expression. 
"Just so we understand who this angel belongs to. So you better keep your hands and the pet-calling to yourself."

And with a short: "I'll pick you up after your shift," to Jimin, he left the diner.

Jimin stood there a minute longer, utterly stupefied before he let out a rattling breath. 
"I can't believe he did that!"
"Me neither. That kid has balls." 

"Min-Woo!" He complained, but the boy only shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. 
"What? Don't tell me you didn't enjoy that because I heard that little whimpering sound you made."
"I did not!" he defended and turned a dark shade of red. 
"Totally did. But I get it. How could someone not swoon for someone like him. Huh," he sighed, staring at the door Jungkook just left through. "Such a broody-moodey... but that body... I bet he has a suuuuper long-" 

"Oh God, please stop!"
"History of lovers. What? What did you think I was gonna say, ChimChim? Are we thinking dirty?"

 Jimin rolled his eyes at him and decided it was time to leave and escape this insanity. 

"Hey, buttercup!" Min-Woo called after him, definitely not taking Jungkook's warning to heart one bit. 
Jimin made the mistake of stopping and turning around, only to find a saucy smile on his pursed lips. With a wink he let out :
"Don't think I haven't notice your 'walk'." 

Oh God's be damned, everyone in his life excelled and lived to embarrass him. Knowing there was not a single thing he could say in his defense, he turned on his heels and hurried to the changing rooms, trying his best at walking normal. But not before he raised a hand and shot Min-Woo a very vulgar gesture he'd never used before. 
Min-Woo chuckled and shouted after him: "Love you too, my little mochi!"

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