Love, Family and Friends

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Jimin danced like there was no tomorrow. 
He let himself be swallowed up by the music. There wasn't even a later- only the here and now and the music leading his body over the stage.

He turned and ended up in front of another dancer, who lifted him just as he jumped. Strong assure hands. 
But not Jungkook's. 

He landed on soft feet and immediately twirled, landing in a perfect stance, the spotlight on him as he started his solo, the other dancers in the back disappearing from the light. 
He let go. 
He was nothing but an instrument of the music, the expression of it's tunes and melody as he danced, the room filled with several thousand people utterly still as they watched him. 

His own emotions overwhelmed him. He let them- became them. Became pain and happiness, lust and fire, turned to grief and heartbreak before moving as gentle and sweet as a summer's breeze. 

The last turn was the hardest, but Jimin had practiced it a million times. Had cursed when it didn't work and tried again and again until he was drenched in sweat. 

He raised himself on his tip-toes and swirled, the world blurring in front of him, but his movements steady and elegant, until he landed gracefully back on both feet and fell into his end-pose, just as the music sounded it's last beat. 

Absolute silence save for his own heavy breathing. 
The spot-light on him turned off. 

It was like the sky breaking open after a hot, humid day as the cheering started. As the light went on in the entire hall and thousand of people jumped to their feet in wild clapping, loud cheering, whistles and hoots. 
Jimin eased out of his end pose and bowed low and thankful. 
The other dancers came to stand in line to both sides and everyone grabbed hands before bowing again to the wild, cheering crowed. 

His eyes skipped to the front row and faltered a beat. They were all here. Misses Yang next to Min-Woo, his rainbow hair bouncing with his jumping, then the two of them falling into each other's arms in celebration. For them both, it was the first time seeing him dance and the pride in their eyes had Jimin try to suppress his tears in utter gratitude. 
Then, to their right, all five of his friends, clapping and hooting and shouting his name. Leonie sat tight by Tae's side and next to them Baekhyun and Chanyeol, the first having stood on the seat to yell even louder, jumping up and down like a toddler. And then his brother, tears of pride in his eyes as he clapped and smiled up at him. 
But the thing that had him rasp out a shuddery breath was the sight of his parents next to Chung-Ho. His mother was crying as she clapped widely and his father looked utterly transfixed, like he couldn't believe his son could dance like that. Could make an entire auditorium filled with people explode in cheers and standing ovation. 

Only one seat was empty. 
One person missing. 
The curtains closed. 

Jimin took a long, steading breath as some of his co-stars clapped him on the shoulders and told him he did great. 
Jimin nodded them thanks and told them they were great too. 
Then he closed his eyes for a moment. 
A smile grew on his face, wild and untamable. 

Something large crashed into him, engulfing him in a crushing, tight embrace and the scent of lavender and musk filled his nose. 
"God, you were amazing, baby. So freaking amazing!" Jungkook cried against his ear, lifting him up against his tall body and then sniffled into his neck.
He sat him down again and when he pulled away slightly, Jimin couldn't help the chuckle. 
"Are you crying, Jungkook-ie?"

And through tear-soaked eyes, his boyfriend let out: "How could I not? Half the people were crying and you think your boyfriend wouldn't after you danced like that?"

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