All that I need

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Jungkook could move!
Bloody fart knockers, was there anything this boy wasn't good at? 
How did he manage to execute even more difficult steps like he's been practicing them for years on end? And the teachers couldn't stop praising him while Jungkook only shot them an easy grin. Arrogant, maybe, but damn him if he didn't have a right to be. 

The choreography of the dance was beautiful, the movements a perfect mix of elegant, regal and flowing into each other. His part... well, even for Jimin it was a challenge, the steps easy looking, but incredibly hard to execute, the jumps high and powerful, the spins threatening to make one loose all direction and senses. He'd been practicing in the corner for an hour now, a thin layer of sweat covering his body and his muscles aching as he did the spin one more time. 
"Perfectly done, Jimin. That looked fantastic." 

He said nothing to the teacher, only nodded in thanks. It wasn't anywhere near perfect. This performance would require even more training than he already did. 

"Now, let's move on to the next formation. Everybody take a partner." 
Shit. Jimin hated that the most. No one ever picked him. 
Jungkook's words unbiddenly shot into his mind and instead of just keeping quiet and lowering his head, he actually looked  for a change. 
Several people were glancing his direction, a mixture of uncertainty and longing in their eyes. 
His breath hitched once. 
And then one more time because he felt a shadow fall over him, followed by a low whisper close to his ear. 

"They're too afraid to ask because they know you're better than them."

He turned and tilted his head, meeting dark, glittering eyes. 
"But I'm not," Jungkook smirked, holding out a hand to him. 
"Wanna dance?"

His heartbeat skyrocketed and he quickly lowered his head, concentrating on his feet. 
A finger was gently place under his chin and Jimin was too surprise by the jolt the contact sent through him, he let Jungkook guide his head back up to his. 
"You have to look at you're partner when you dance, Jimin, those are the rules."

He opened his mouth- to say what, he had no idea, but Jungkook made him snap it shut again when he took half a step closer and towered over him, only a breath of air between them. Speaking of air- he seemed to have lost the ability to breath. 

The teacher shouted out instructions and his years of training took over, following the movements he was told-  and Jungkook went with him.
Jungkook turned half a step back, he did a double spin on one foot and when he landed, the taller stepped forward again, a hand wrapping around his waist, pulling him close.
A swing to the right, leaning back while Jungkook held on to him and allowed Jimin to bend almost all the way to the floor in a backward bridge. He came back up and Jungkook turned him 90 degrees so the taller ended up behind him. 

Jimin swung to the left, Jungkook to the right. He reached out to the sky and crumbled in on himself, Jungkook bending over from behind, his hands back on his waist. 
He jumped and Jungkook lifted him into the air, the breath whooshing out of him for more reasons than just the lift. 

Dance For Me ※ Jikook Fanfiction ※ 18+Where stories live. Discover now