Dance With Me

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I swear... it was meant to be a super sweet chapter... but then it turned out to be that kinda chapter:

 but then it turned out to be that kinda chapter:

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Also, the longest chapter I think I ever wrote...


The soft knock on the door made him rouse from his nap. 
It was Sunday and tomorrow would be the first day of school. First day after disappearing without a word. Only the head of staff had been notified about why Jimin had been absent and not only was he allowed to return, but he would still have full support through his scholarship! He would have to re-do and re-write some exams, but if that was all, he gladly took the offer. But not only the return to school was happening the next day. It would also be the first hearing of Seong-Min's trial. He had been held in protective custody since the day at the beach house, and was no doubt preparing his defense for the allegation with all he got.  And since that meant he had to be just as prepared- just as convincing, he had decided to spend this day mostly lingering around. He had been listening to music before drifting off into light slumber. 

The knock came again. 
"Come in," Jimin said in a still sleepy voice. 
The door opened slowly and Chung-Ho appeared. 
A gasp of surprise escaped him. He still had no idea how to feel about these new turn of events. 
About seeing his brother in this new light. No longer evil and cruel, but not entirely innocent. 

"Hey, little brother. Did I wake you?"
Jimin needed a moment before he raised up to lean against the bed frame and then shook his head. 
"It's Okay, I wasn't sleeping that deeply anyway."

"Oh, all right," he mumbled out, then closed the door and just stood there for a moment, like he too, didn't know how to act. Like they had forgotten how to be brothers after all that happened. 
Eventually he came over to the bed and sat down, turning to Jimin. 
"How are you doing? Nervous about tomorrow?"
Jimin nodded, fiddling with his hands a little. 

"I get it. But don't worry. I have it covered. Seong-Min is going down for sure. He can have the most expensive defense lawyer, but he'll still go down."

Yes. His brother would be his lawyer. 
He didn't know how to feel about that either. On the one hand, Chung-Ho had just as much reason as Jimin to want the monster behind bars, but trusting him still felt like free falling. Even after knowing the truth- after Chung-Ho rescuing him and now being his lawyer, Jimin found it hard to trust. Trust the person he believed- for years- to be cruel and evil. Who might have not meant those words he said at the party, but they had been said anyways and for the last two years, he'd believed that. He'd been hurt because of it. 
"I-I also made sure this will not get to the news. Your name will not go out to the media or be mentioned in the reports. It's a victims safety policy."

Oh, thank God. It would be horrendous if the whole school would find about something that never actually happened. He'd had nightmares these past days about their pitiful looks and offers of sympathies and he would actually feel guilty about making up that lie then. At least one less burden to carry. 
"But," Chung-Ho started and a flicker of unease shadowed his face, his lips a tight line. "Our parents found out." 

Dance For Me ※ Jikook Fanfiction ※ 18+Where stories live. Discover now