The Trial

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School was-

Well, actually it was quite all right.

Of course there were the still whispering peers and the tons of rumors surrounding his disappearance. Some of them were absolutely ridiculous, and others too close to the truth. Something about Jimin running of with an Ex-boyfriend...

But Jimin no longer cowered at their gazes, no longer lowered his eyes, no longer stuttered when someone talked to him or even blushed.
Because he had faced far worse than them. And he won. And he had Jungkook and the boys and his brother and the forgiveness and acceptance of his parents and there was absolutely no reason to be afraid anymore.

The teachers were absolutely thrilled to have him back, welcoming him with open arms and wide smiles, saying it would have been a shame for the school to loose such a talent.
Okay, maybe he did blush then.
And the biggest surprise was Mrs. Kayen coming up to him and saying the lead role for the Culture Café performance in three weeks was still his if he could catch up with the training and felt up for it.
Things couldn't have been better and he spend the smaller breaks talking to his classmates, especially Taemin and Kai, well, and obviously Hoseok and the midday break practicing in his little practice room while Jungkook watched him, offering advice here and there while staring at him utterly transfixed.
Yes. He loved dancing for Jungkook. Would always love it the most. There could be a room filled with a thousand people, but nothing could compare to knowing one of them was his boyfriend.

But despite the pleasant surprise of school turning out to be rather nice, the upcoming trial had him fiddling with his hands nervously and his mind drifted off more than once.

It was a mess of emotions that swirled inside him when thinking about Seong-Min.
Part of him just never wanted to see him again. Never even think of that piece of shit.
The other part was thrilled and couldn't wait to see his face when the sentence was spoken. Chung-Ho was counting on at least ten years, but he said court was always up for surprises and the trial might draw out over several weeks with a lot of hearings until the judge made a decision.

Part of him was also scared. Not for himself, but Jungkook. This would be the first time he saw him as Seong-Min not Hyun-Sik. What would it do to him if he saw the face of the boy who had pretended to be their friend, laughed and joked with him even as he made Jimin's life a living hell?
But he knew there was no way in hell Jungkook would agree not to go.

So after their classes had finished, Jungkook drove them home to get changed until Chung-Ho knocked on the door and told them it was time to go. He looked elegant again in his tailored suit and the glasses on his face: intelligent, educated and perhaps a little ruthless, but they needed that today.

Jimin had gone for a simple, almost innocent outfit, white fluffy shirt and beige pants, while Jungkook pulled off his usual black swagger.

The others were already waiting for them in front of the court house, everyone looking tense yet determined. They looked at each other and nodded in silent agreement. They would stick to the truth till the very end- until the part where Chung-Ho had told them about Seong-Min pretending to be Hyun-Sik and the video he used as blackmail.

Jimin... well Jimin would have to lie a lot more, but he had his story straight.
He glanced up at Jungkook.
Well, seemed like that was the only straight thing about him...

The court house was massive and made of marble, the air cool and the atmosphere almost heavy as they made their way inside, led by Chung-Ho who had been here a few times before for other cases.

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