The Rainbow and the Raven

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"Min-woo, please!" Jimin begged for the millionth time. 
"Stop staring at him!"

Min-Woo ignored him and kept his eyes locked on the boy sitting alone at a window table. 
Jungkook was staring back at him, his expression darker than the night, sipping at his banana milk every once in a while, his camera the only other thing on the table.

The taller had cooked for him after Jimin had made a complete fool of himself and he'd sat on his mattress with fiddling hands and twitching knees. Jungkook had seemed tense ever since, barely speaking to him as he drove Jimin to work, only took a seat at the window table, ordered a banana milk and then entered the staring contest with Min-Woo which showed no signs of stopping. 

"You're scaring off the customers with that look!" Jimin chided but Min-Woo only shrugged his shoulders. "I'm only trying to scare of one." 

Jimin sighed. 
"I don't think it's gonna work even though you look a second away from ripping his head off."
"He looks at me the same. Let's find out who breaks first. And besides, if he's not staring at me, he's staring at you. And I really don't like the way he looks at you." 

Jimin blushed. 
He should ignore him and get back to work. And he should definitely not ask. Most definitely not...
"How's he looking at me?"
Sweet mother in heaven, he would never learn!
But Min-Woo finally looked away, his caramel eyes settling on Jimin as he glanced down. 
"He's looking at you like he wants to devour an orange mochi." 

Jimin blushed even harder, his mouth parting. 
"But not like in one bite," Min-Woo continued, seemingly unaware of how red Jimin was turning. "More like he wants to take his time eating it. Slowly devour it, taking his sweet time so he can really, really enjoy his little, orange mochi!" 

Jimin choked on air. 
"There's something wrong with you," he blurred out, regretting ever opening his mouth to begin with.  
"No, there is something wrong with Mister Broody in that corner."
"He's actually not that bad."

Min-woo raised his eyebrows in surprise and stemmed his hands into his hips, shifting to one side in a sassy movement. 
"So you like the thought of being devoured by him?"
"What? No. I'm appalled!"
"And now I'm worried."

Min-Woo sighed and shook his head. 
"Because that's not your 'I'm appalled' face."
"Oh, really? What's it then?"

"It's you're: 'You've been caught with your hand in a cookie jar' look. You know... slightly guilty, super surprised to be caught but totally not sorry because you really, really wanted those cookies."
"I- I do not want cookies!" Jimin yelled and several customer turned their heads. He lowered his voice to seethe at Min-Woo. 
"I do not want cookies!"

Min-Woo looked unconvinced, one eyebrow raised in doubt. 
"Nah, I think you totally want a cookie. But you know what the problem is with cookies?"
"Please stop saying cookie," Jimin groaned, resting his elbows on the counter and burying his burning face in his hands. 

"Cookies," Min-Woo went on like he hadn't even heard Jimin, "are sweet and delicious and you just can't seem to stop eating them. But deep down you know they're not good for you. They'll only leave you feeling bloated and sick and make you put on extra weight. So you should stick to something healthier, Chimchim."

"Oh God," Jimin let out in frustration. "I do not like cookies!"

"Jimin," Min-Woo sighed after he had been silent for a few minutes. 
"You really think I don't know you're gay?"

Jimin's elbows gave away and he nearly smacked his head against the counter, then turned to Min-Woo with an incredulous expression. "I- How... I mean..." 

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