Black Swan

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I think this might be the most bad-ass, satisfying chapter I ever wrote :DD


He did his best to paint the picture of misery, looking up at the camera with haunted eyes and trembling lips. 
He knew what the feed would show the police later. 
A crying boy on the floor, his hands bound and a look of utter fear and helplessness on his face. 

The pained expression wasn't that hard to act. The cable ties were hurting like hell, the skin around it red and scraped, some spots even leaking blood. 

He tired not to think of Jungkook's face as he had left. 
The worry and fear and agony to leave Jimin in this house. How it had nearly killed him.
He had to reason with him for an hour last night. Explaining how the video feed had to show him broken and tied up for at least a few hours to make it believable. 

He hadn't slept all night. Hadn't left the room and played the poor, tied up captive. But it wasn't fear that kept him awake. It was excitement.
He was no longer scared of the monster. 
He would become his worst nightmare and that thought had him fiddling with his hands. He'd gone over his plans a thousand times. 
He couldn't make a single mistake. He had to put on the act of a lifetime. But for Jungkook, for his brother, for his friends and for himself, he would. 

He stared up at the sky ceiling and tried not to smile. 
Yes- this was his time for revenge. To destroy Seong-min's life in the very room Jungkook had him scream his name yesterday. 

Jimin was no longer a little, scared bird. 
He wasn't a bright, white swan either. 
Tonight he would be a black swan. Seong-Min's ruin. His downfall for all the thing's he'd done to him, to his brother and probably a lot of others. 

The sound of a car pulling into the driveway had Jimin straighten. He calmed his racing heart, put on a mask of horror and glanced to the door with trembling lips. 
This moment right here would seal Seong-Min's fate. Jimin only had to act the hell out of it. 

He heard the front door open a few minutes later. 

He scrambled to the door, just out of sight of the camera and grabbed the scissors he had placed there before the cameras had been turned on and cut the cable ties. 
A gasp of pain escaped him and tears shot into his eyes as they fell away, and the pain blinded him for a second. Shit... maybe it had been a bit too tight. 
But there was no time to pay it any attention as he made sure he was still out of the frame and placed the scissors and bloody cable ties just behind the door. 
This was a huge risk, but one they had to take. 
If Seong-Min saw them... no. 
Jimin would make sure he wouldn't. 
The police would think they were his doing, cutting the ties the moment he entered the room. No one would know the truth. No one but him, the boys and his brother would know that he had cut them himself. 

The dark thrill of what he was about to do to Seong-Min mixed with the shiver of his disgust for that monster, especially hearing him call his name like that. 

There was no sound to the video feed. Of course not, because how else was Jimin supposed to do this then, without raising suspicion? 
"I'm in here!" he shouted and to no surprise, Seong-min's footsteps could be heard as he ascended the stairs. 
Jimin made sure the sleeves of his oversized shirt were covering his swollen wrists as he opened the door-

And came face to face with the monster he was set on destroying. 
The boy looked him up and down.

"Jimin, you look- better?" Seong-Min let out, seeming truly surprised. 
"No thanks to you!" Jimin seethed back. Obviously he couldn't just pretend he was fine and wanted to fall on his back for him. Seong-Min was too smart for that. 

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