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Things you need for this chapter: 

1. For the tears:

 For the tears:

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3. For the anger: 

 For the anger: 

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3. Cause you'll be ugly crying and life is always better with ice cream!

 Cause you'll be ugly crying and life is always better with ice cream!

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An hour later, they sat on the black leather sofa, Jimin sitting in Jungkook's lap while the younger had arm around his legs and the other on his back hugging him close to his body. 
The silence had been going on for too long and despite his thundering heartbeat, he finally managed to start talking. 

"Seong-Min was my older brother's best friend, older by three years." 
He felt Jungkook tense beneath him but forced himself to ignore it. He had to keep talking or he might let the rising panic win and run the other way. 
"I was in love with him since I knew what the word meant. He always hung around our house, staying there more often than at his own. He was handsome, all warm smiles and funny. My brother-" he swallowed thickly as his face appeared in front of his mind.

"He was everything to me. I looked up to him, adored him, followed him everywhere. My only dream was to be like him one day. Charming, confident, self-assured and brilliant at talking to people. I was always watching him, keeping silent and admiring his way of enthralling others with his charm. I was shy even back then, mostly because I felt like I could never be as good as him. But he would always smile down at me, ruffle my hair and called me by my nick-name, so I didn't mind being the silent one. I had him. I thought he was the best older brother to ever exist. That he would protect me and always be there for me when I needed him. He was smart, always top of his class and my parents loved him. My father is a lawyer and has his own firm, so when he announced he was going to study law- my father couldn't have smiled prouder and my mother had fallen around his neck with a beaming grin, telling him how happy she was to hear he was going to step into his father's footsteps. I was so happy that day too. To see him get the love and support he deserved, throwing myself around his leg while laughing and congratulating him." 

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