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(this took me ages to make :D)

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(this took me ages to make :D)


The next morning, his eyes swollen and tinged with dark circles because he hadn't slept, he came downstairs to find Taehyung in the entryway, a wide, boxy smile on his face as he talked to Misses Yang who had probably ran to the door, thinking it was Jungkook.
He had too when he'd heard the bell ring.
And now seeing Taehyung, he didn't know how to feel.
Relieved? Disappointed? Worried?

And how much did the others know about what had happened last night? Did Jungkook tell them?

But the boy looked nothing but happy, still beaming when he turned to see Jimin descent the stairs.
"Hey there, Jimin-ah," he announced broadly and waved at him.

Misses Yang turned to him as well, and she was rivalling Taehyung's beam. And then a shadow flickered over her features when she took a closer look at him. At his reddened eyes, his tired expression and no doubt, the little red spot on his neck Jungkook had left there.

She caught herself quickly though, the smile slipping back once more like nothing had ever changed.
"Morning sunshine," she drooled and Jimin wanted to die right here and there, because the wicked glitter in her eyes promised nothing good.
"Look who was a gentlemen and thought to bring this old lady her morning latte."
She dangled the coffee cup in her hand in front of Jimin's face like she was accusing him for never thinking about it.
"Oh, it's nothing, Misses Yang. I was at the bakery anyway. And I heard so much wonderful things about you, I couldn't just come with empty hands."
Jimin looked at Taehyung with surprised eyes. How did he know about Misses Yang?
The beautiful boy saw his confusion and let out a little chuckle. "You talk a lot when you're drunk, Chimchim. And Jungkook told us about her too."

"Oh, my sweet, midnight Prince. How I miss him with every fiber of my being!" Misses Yang exclaimed and pretended to swoon like some princess in a medieval drama and still somehow managed to not spill her coffee. Jimin rolled his eyes at her.
"You're ridiculous."
"Am not!" She immediately backfired. Usually, Jimin would start bantering with her right about now, but he felt too tired. Too hollow on the inside after crying out HIS entire being.

Another small flicker of worry passed over the old ladies' face and then she pursed her lips at him. Oh shit...
"So Jimin, when are you going to introduce me to the rest of the four F-squat? Seeing this beautiful, kind boy here, I can see you weren't lying when you told me about them."
Oh my God, someone save him from this woman!
Taehyung had turned to Misses Yang with raised eyebrows and a tilted head. "Four F-squat?"
Jimin shot forward to possibly strangle the older woman, but Misses Yang slipped out of his reach like an ale and in a sang sung announced: "Oh, you know. Fabulous, famous, fun and friggin handsome. Jimin just loooves his abbreviations."
"I'm going to kill her," Jimin stated, like it was just another thing on his to-do list.

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