Hello Monster

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He couldn't stop staring at Seong-Min as a thousand emotions crashed over him. Hurt, anger, hate, betrayal, sadness. And then memories flooded him, like a thousand little flimmers in front of his inner eyes. 
The day Seong-Min told him he liked him more than just his best friends little brother. Their first kiss in the car after he had picked him up from dance practice. The day they told his brother about being together, and then Chung-Ho burying them both in a hug, saying how happy he was for them. Lying in his arms after he had his first time with, Jimin telling him about his deepest thoughts and dreams, revealing all his secrets, Seong-Min listening to him as he ran his hands through his hair lovingly. All the sweet little gifts the older got him, making Jimin fall around his neck and kiss him. 

And then that night he had seen him with that blond girl. The way he'd laughed like seeing Jimin's heart breaking was the best thing he'd ever witnessed. The way he had kissed the girl just before Jimin had run out crying, his world shattered and broken. 

"I'd pick up that pen and paper, darling, or your little boyfriend will come running over, asking whether there is a problem."
Jimin fell back into the here and now, still staring at Seong-Min with quivering lips and teary eyes. Shit.. he couldn't cry. He couldn't allow this piece of shit to see a single tear on his face again. But then he registered his words and panic spread. How did he know about Jungkook? Shit.. he just kissed him... Shit. He cleared his throat, finally finding his voice but even after all this time, after thinking he got over their betrayal, he couldn't muster the cold, cruel voice he'd used with So-Yeong, the trembling sound of it embarrassing him. 
"What do you want here, Seong-Min?" 

Seong-Min smiled bright and clear and his heart ached in his chest. He was still stunningly beautiful with full lips, angular features and sparkling dark-brown eyes. And he had gained some more muscles, his chest broad and he knew if he rose to his feet, he would be as tall as Jungkook. 

"To see you of course. Why else would I come to such a shit diner? Enjoy the food?"

Jimin didn't know what to say. See him? It's been two years and no one had come looking for him. Not his parents, or his brother or Seong-Min. And even though Jimin had run away in the middle of the night, it wouldn't have been hard for any of them to find out where he'd gone. 

Why now? 
"Darling? You really should pick up the pen and paper. And maybe try not to look like you're a breath away from breaking down," he said it in a sweet, calming voice, so unlike the meaning behind the words.

"And why should I? I'd love to see you get thrown out on your ass!" 
Ah, and there is finally was- the hate. The blinding, raging, anger fueling his voice. 

But Seong-Min only chuckled. 
"Oh, my sweet, little Jimmy." he drooled, the nickname awakening more memories he wanted to forget. 
"You finally got some courage. That makes me so proud. But you really don't want Jungkook to come over."
Jimin sucked in a sharp breath, stumbling half a step away. He knew his name. How much did he know and how? Had he been watching him? Horror mixed itself into the anger, fear and pain. 

Seong-Min's grin grew, like he knew exactly what was going on inside Jimin and he was enjoying it immensely. 
"He's quite the boy, isn't he? So protective over his little, sweet boyfriend. And jealous as hell. So... do you really think throwing me out is all he would do? I'm sure you told him about me and Chung-Ho and if there is anything I know about the golden maknae, it's that he can be very... explosive. Shall we call him over and see? You think your friends will be able to hold him back when I tell him how I lied and cheated on you and how fun it was?"

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